Around Town: Virtual Meetings, local business information; Planning Commission

Work Session to Demonstrate Virtual Meetings

In anticipation of the City’s use of a virtual meeting platform for upcoming meetings, the Planning Commission has scheduled a work session for Monday, March 30, 2020 from 6 pm to 6:30 pm to allow interested parties to practice using the meeting platform Zoom. We would encourage anyone who is interested in attending an upcoming City meeting to log in or call in to the work session. The link and call in information is posted on the calendar on the home page of the City’s website ( The call in information will also be available by calling the City Office by 5 pm.

To Participate in Zoom Meeting Online: Meeting ID: 470 677 723
To Participate in Zoom Meeting by Phone: Dial 888-788-0099 or 877-853-5247
Meeting ID: 470 677 723

Dexter Business Information

The Dexter Business Listing is being updated daily. A map showing the location of the businesses is also available. The list and map can be accessed at –

The link above also contains resources for businesses and is updated as new programs are announced.

Public Hearing Notices

The following are public hearing notices for the City of Dexter:

Planning Commission will hold the following Public Hearings on Monday, April 6, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. via the virtual meeting platform Zoom:

Public Hearings 1 & 2 – The purpose of the public hearings is to consider 1) an Application for Conditional Rezoning and 2) an Application for Special Land Use, for property located at 7714 Ann Arbor Street (08-08-06-178-007) and the vacant property located at the corner of Ann Arbor Street and Edison Street (08-08-06-178-005). Both applications were submitted by the Encore Musical Theatre Company, with authorization from the current property owner, Dexter Community Schools.

Public Hearing 3 – The purpose of the hearing is to obtain public comment on the 2020-2025 Capital Improvements Plan (CIP). The CIP is a program that projects and coordinates public expenditures for improvements to the transportation and utility systems, municipal facilities, and other capital improvement projects over a six-year period. Preparation of the capital improvements plan is done under the authority of the PA 33 of 2008, the Michigan Planning Enabling Act, as amended.  It is the Planning Commission’s goal that the CIP be used as a tool to implement the City’s Master Plan and assist is the City’s financial planning.

To view the public hearing notices and related documents please visit – (click on 2020)

Interested parties may participate in the virtual meeting (via computer or phone) and gain access to the meeting from the city’s website . A staff member will be located at 8123 Main St, 2nd floor during the meeting to take phone calls (734-426-8303) to provide the call-in information and assist with using Zoom. Interested parties may also submit written comments to the Office of Community Development, City of Dexter, 8123 Main Street, 2nd Floor, or via email to .   All comments must be received no later than one hour before the start of the meeting (i.e. 6:00 pm, Monday, April 6, 2020).
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