Paint Dexter Plein Air Festival Final Call for Artists

The Dexter Arts, Culture, and Heritage Committee would like to announce last call for artist registrations for the 2020 Paint Dexter Plein Air Festival. Please sign up by the end of the day tomorrow, July 15th if you would like to participate as an artist this year!
The Committee is implementing the following changes impacting participating artists:
  • Participating artists will check-in and paint on their own as normal within the Dexter School District boundaries between August 17th and Aug 21st.
  • We are eliminating registration fees associated with the 2020 event. If you have already registered and paid, you will receive a refund whether you choose to attend or not.
  • Registration deadlines have been extended to July 15th for all artists.
  • Because prizes usually come from corporate sponsorships, and local sponsorships are currently unavailable, we are unable to award any prizes this year, and no judging will take place. There will not be a separation of professional and amateur categories.
  • There will be no in-person Festival Tent, exhibit or public reception. Instead, an online exhibit will open at the end of the event for artists to sell their paintings to the general public.
      • Photos will be taken of all artwork during checkout.
      • During checkout, artists should be prepared with the name of the painting(s) up to a maximum of 5 total, medium, size and price.
      • All parameters for artwork as described in the Artist Guide on our website will apply.
      • This exhibit will be open for at least one month, but may be open through the end of 2020.
      • All works submitted will be available for purchase, and artists are expected to include shipping costs in their price. Artists will take their paintings home with them.
      • Paintings produced at previous Paint Dexter Plein Air Festivals that have not sold may also be submitted for sale. Those photos must be sent by the 24th of August, but may be submitted any time up until then. Submit year in addition to name, medium and size for older pieces.
      • A standard 30% commission on artwork will apply.
  • We will not be able to host the Tuesday Artists Reception.
  • We will ask artists to maintain social distancing guidelines, and wear masks when unable to maintain at least 6’ separation from other artists and area residents.
  • If you are an artist that previously registered for the Festival and would like to withdraw, please contact us.

The following changes will impact Festival Patrons:

  • We will not be hosting an adult workshop or children’s event, but we are hoping to do something unique separately and at a later date. Any fees paid for these events will be refunded.
  • The painting sale will take place in an online format.

Please check the website for updates at: and contact for more information.

Please follow us on Facebook and Instagram @PaintDexter

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