HWPI: Latest Border-to-Border Trail construction updates and more

Here is the latest update on the Border-to-Border Trail from the Huron Waterloo Pathways Initiative (HWPI): 


M-52 Trail Segment and Lyndon Township Trailhead – Amazing progress continues along M52! Paving is complete at the trailhead and on the entire trail segment. Slope restoration and the installation of fencing continues. Both projects will be substantially completed by early August. The trailhead is unofficially open for visitors to park in one of the 50 parking spaces! The installation of amenities at the trailhead will continue throughout the summer.

M-52 Tunnel – The tunnel’s interior stonework and brick pavers are complete, with only a few minor items remaining. The design and fabrication of the Corten steel panels is ongoing, with late August or early September installation anticipated.

Frog Island, Ypsilanti

Frog Island, Grove Road Trail Projects and North Hydro Park Trail Segment – Construction will begin in late July on these trail segments in the City of Ypsilanti and Ypsilanti Township. These projects will continue through late August-early September.


Sidewalk connector to Dexter-Chelsea Road trail segment – The City of Chelsea will soon complete a sidewalk connection on Freer Road to the B2B trail segment on Dexter-Chelsea Road allowing residents safe, off-road access to the trail.

Trail Etiquette

With so many visitors on the B2B, it is a great time for a trail etiquette refresher! When we work together to communicate with fellow trail users and put waste where it belongs, we can all enjoy a positive experience exploring the Border-to-Border Trail.

B2B Trail Downloadable Map

Ready to hit the B2B Trail this summer? We have you covered! HWPI is excited to release our new map featuring trail access points and parking information to make sure you have a safe and enjoyable experience along the B2B!

Click HERE to download the B2B Trail Map with access points and parking information.


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