Local canoe liveries closed temporarily because of positive COVID-19 test

Beginning Sunday, Sept. 7, 2020, City of Ann Arbor Parks and Recreation Argo and Gallup canoe liveries will be closed temporarily. The closure is due to a COVID-19 positive test result of an employee at the liveries who was working while pre-symptomatic on Aug. 29, Sept. 5 and Sept. 6.

All employees have been required to follow proper safety protocols, which include wearing masks indoors and outdoors and physical distancing. Out of an abundance of caution, the facilities will be closed for a professional, disinfectant cleaning. The city has not identified any instance of this person having close contact with the public. More information on the reopening of the facilities will be announced in the coming days.

If you visited the Argo or Gallup canoe liveries between Aug. 29 and Sept. 6, please self-monitor for any COVID-19 symptoms and seek advice from your medial professional if you have symptoms or concerns. COVID-19-related questions may also be directed to the Washtenaw County Health Department (https://www.washtenaw.org/3095/COVID-19) at L-wchdcontact@washtenaw.org or 734.544.6800; please leave a message. Voicemail messages are checked several times each weekday, and calls will be returned within 24 hours or sooner.

The city apologizes for this inconvenience and appreciates patience from the public while the facilities are closed. Realizing new information may become available as the city continues to work with the county health department, the city will share any necessary updates via the city website.


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