Are you prepared? September is National Preparedness Month

Being prepared before the unexpected happens can make a dramatic difference in the ability to cope with and recover from a disaster. The Michigan State Police MIREADY site, covers a wide range of emergencies, from weather related to pandemic, and everything in between.

The MIREADY Family preparedness guide, provides practical, vital information to know before, during and to recover from emergencies and also includes worksheets for emergency planning, contacts, a home hazard hunt activity and a preparedness checklist. The guide also shares internet safety information, which is particularly important as many students begin the school year online.

In addition, September is National Preparedness Month, and is putting a special focus on readiness with the 2020 theme: Disasters don’t wait. Make your plan today,

As the coronavirus could present additional challenges to readiness,, provides some practical ways individuals and families can be organized in advance of unforeseen disasters. Some things to consider:

  • Make sure to update your plan based on the Centers for Disease Control coronavirus recommendations. For instance, include cloth face coverings (for everyone over 2 years old) and disinfectants in your emergency kit; and check local shelter availability, as changes may have occurred over the last six months.
  • Check your insurance coverage.
  • Learn how to make your home stronger in the face of storms and other common hazards.

Visit for more information HERE

These resources can help you be in charge and in control should an emergency occur.

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