CIL and DCF presents “Together in Dexter,” a yoga, coffee group for Dexter residents with disabilities

The Ann Arbor Center for Independent Living, an amazing organization run by people with disabilities for people with disabilities, presents “Together in Dexter,” a morning yoga and coffee group for Dexter residents with disabilities, ages 27 and up.

Ann Arbor CIL, along with the Dexter Community Foundation (DCF), presents the entirely online program starting Oct. 13 and running through Nov. 3. The yoga portion of the program will be from 8:45 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. and the coffee chat will follow from 9:30 a.m. to 10:15 a.m.

Taught by Robin Purves, founder of Yoga Rising, the program is a gently energizing class uniting rhythmic breathing, movement, and gentle stretches. Whatever your ability, you’ll boost your mood and inspire you to move through the rest of your day with intention and ease.

And afterwards, stay online for post-class chit chat, just as one would if they were getting together in person.

This unique program is provided at no cost from the Dexter Community Foundation.

For more information, contact Shannon Clark at 734-971-0277 (x29) or by email at

Since 1976, CIL has worked hand-in-hand to help those with disabilities live the life they want to live. At the Ann Arbor CIL, their mission is “to empower the lives of people with disabilities and advocate for a more inclusive community for all.”

In addition to providing individualized services, community advocacy, and group workshops for your self-improvement, CIL is a dynamic community enrichment and recreation center filled with events and activities to help you connect with people and your passions.

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