Arts Alliance Awards $25,700 in grants to 13 Cultural Organizations

WASHTENAW COUNTY— The Arts Alliance announces the awardees of the completed round of Professional & Organizational Development and the first round of Arts and Cultural project grants for the six counties in Region 9: Hillsdale, Jackson, Livingston, Lenawee and Washtenaw. The Arts Alliance administers this program on behalf of the Michigan Council for Arts & Cultural Affairs (MCACA.) The minigrant applications are reviewed by a panel of artists, residents and organizational leaders from the region using criteria set by the MCACA.

“We are thrilled that funding for the minigrants was retained for FY2021 by the State of Michigan. Many other funding sources reduced budgets due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic” Deb Polich, spokesperson for The Arts Alliance, “an important grant program every year, right now these grants offer an infusion of support and confidence to organizations who miss their audiences and have suffered from the loss of program and fundraising revenue caused by the pandemic.”

Professional & Organizational Development minigrants assist nonprofit arts and cultural organizations, artists, cultural specialists, administrators and educators with opportunities that specifically improve their management and/or bring the individual or the organization to another level professionally or artistically. Applicants may apply for up to $1,500 of $9,000 available through The Arts Alliance

$9,000 in Professional & Organizational Development Grants Awarded

Recipient                                                                                                            Award     County               City

826 Michigan                                                                                                    $1,410     Washtenaw       Ann Arbor

Ann Arbor Art Association                                                                             $    855     Washtenaw       Ann Arbor

Ann Arbor Hands On Museum                                                                     $ 1,380     Washtenaw       Ann Arbor

The Ark                                                                                                             $1,410      Washtenaw       Ann Arbor

Lenawee Symphony Orchestra Society Inc.                                               $1,425      Lenawee           Adrian

Manitou Beach Historic Renovation Society                                              $1,245     Lenawee            Manitou Beach

Voices in Harmony – Sweet Adelines International                                  $1,275     Washtenaw       Ypsilanti

The Arts & Cultural Projects minigrants provide support for the production, presentation and creation of excellent arts and culture programs that promote public engagement, diversity, lifelong learning and help to enhance the livability of communities. The Arts Alliance granted $16,700 of the $32,000 available.

$16,700 in Professional & Organizational Development Grants Awarded

Recipient                                                                                                          Award             County                   City

Adrian District Library                                                                                  $1,200           Lenawee               Adrian

ÆPEX Contemporary Performance                                                            $2,700           Washtenaw          Ann Arbor

City of Tecumseh                                                                                          $4,000           Lenawee               Tecumseh

Friends of Grass Lake Township                                                                 $2,300           Jackson                  Grass Lake

Hillsdale County School of the Arts, Inc.                                                   $3,600           Hillsdale                 Hillsdale

Penny Seats Theatre Company                                                                  $2,900           Washtenaw          Ann Arbor

At its meeting today, MCACA’s Council approved $91.6 million in arts and cultural grants to be distributed statewide. Washtenaw County will benefit from $822,274 in grants going to 39 arts and cultural organizations for operational support, capital improvements, special project and arts in education programs.  Washtenaw County had the third highest funding allocation in the state following Wayne ($1.65 M) and Ingham ($829,500) counties.

The Arts Alliance received a total of $83,500 of which $42,000 is regranted and the balance of $35,500 supports operations and regranting administration.

Click here for the entire FY2021 MCACA grant list and here for the Washtenaw County list.

In addition to its annual operational support, The Arts Alliance was awarded $41,300 to redistribute as the MCACA administrator for the Region 9 Regranting program.

The Arts Alliance continues its FY2021 minigrant cycle with two grant opportunities still open: Round II of the Arts & Project minigrants and, new this year, the Michigan K-12 School Arts Equipment & Supplies Grants. Find out more about both including application deadlines here.

For more information, contact The Arts Alliance at or call 734-213-2733.

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