WCC offering free webinar series for small business owners

The Entrepreneurship Center at WCC is focused on supporting individuals with dreams of starting a small business. On the opposite end of Washtenaw Community College’s 291 acre-campus, the Economic & College Development division works to advance the workforce of established businesses via corporate training and professional development.

An upcoming free, four-part webinar series titled “Success Tools: Strategies for the Small Business Owner” combines the resources of those two organizations with a goal of teaching current owners and future entrepreneurs what it takes to successfully launch and maintain a thriving business.

“We’re super excited to collaborate with the Economic & College Development side to put together these free events for the benefit of the community, our students and Entrepreneurship Center clients,” said EC director Kristin Gapske.

Each of the four-part webinar series begin at noon. Dates and topics include:

TUESDAY, NOV. 10: Maximizing Your WCC Campus & Local Community Business Supports

THURSDAY, NOV. 12: Networking to Drive Business Growth

TUESDAY, NOV. 17: Digital Marketing Tips for Entrepreneurs

THURSDAY, NOV. 19: Lead Generation and Sales Strategies

See full descriptions of each webinar and register at wccnet.edu/announcements/success-tools-webinar.php.

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