Around Town: Luminaria, Leaf/Yard Waste Collection, more


The Dexter Luminaria Project is kicking off the 2020 fund raising campaign. The Luminaria Project provides for the delivery of supplies to light up rights-of-way on the evening of December 24th. The workshops to assemble kits for the 2020 Luminaria will take place on Saturday, December 5, 2020 and Saturday, December 12, 2020 at the City DPW located at 3600 Central St. Assembly begins at 9:00 am. Safety protocols during assembly, including requiring masks and social distancing will be required, There is a need for volunteers interested in helping deliver kits throughout town. Those interested in helping to deliver the kits should arrive at 10:00 am each day. The goal is to provide supplies to all City neighborhoods, which requires a significant volunteer effort.

The Luminaria is funded and executed through generous donations from the community. Please keep the lights shining – consider make a donation to support the Luminaria by mailing or dropping off your contribution to the City of Dexter at 8123 Main (please indicate Luminaria on the check). Donations can also be made at through GoFundMe at: .

Thank you for your support of this Dexter tradition.

Fall and Winter Leaf/Yard Waste Collection

Loose leaf collection by the City’s Department of Public Works (DPW) has begun. Each Fall, the DPW collects loose leaves. This is in addition to bagged compost collection by Waste Management and the DPW’s weekly brush pick-up. For the past few years, we have noticed that leaves from certain species of trees, mostly located in the newer neighborhoods, have been losing their leaves later in the season. To accommodate this, we have created the following schedule for loose leaf and bagged compost collection. Residents are encouraged to monitor the e-mail update to keep informed about any changes in this schedule due to the weather.
Collection Schedule

  • Brush pick-up and chipping is now taking place every other Wednesday. Upcoming brush collection dates are November 25th, December 9th, and December 23rd.
  • Monday, November 30, 2020 – Last day of bagged compost pick-up by Waste Management.
  • Week of December 7th – Loose leaf collection ends. Residents are asked to have all leaves raked to the curb no later than Monday, December 7th at 7:00 am for pick-up that week.
  • Bagged leaves will be picked up by the DPW while they are doing brush pick-up on December 23rd, January 6th, and January 20th. This is to accommodate the residents whose trees lose their leaves late in the season.
  • No compost bag or leaf pick-up by the City or Waste Management will occur in February or March.
  • Monday, April 5, 2021 – Waste Management resumes bagged compost pick up.

Loose Leaf Collection Reminders

  • Make sure that there is no debris in the leaf piles (garbage, sticks, pumpkins, etc.).
  • Park cars as far away from leaf piles as possible.
  • Leaves should be raked in a line (windrow) as close to the curb as possible and not placed into the road, ditches, storm drains or parking places.
  • The closer the piles are to the curb, the quicker they are able to be collected by the equipment.

Leaves can also be mulched back into the lawn. For more information, including additional tips on how to grow a healthy lawn visit –

Invoice Cloud

The City of Dexter has partnered with Invoice Cloud to manage online, automatic, and phone payments for taxes and utility bills. Through Invoice Cloud, residents can:

  • Receive bills, reminders and receipts via email.
  • Set up AutoPay and paperless billing
  • Make payments online, by phone (utilities only), or by text with a credit card, debit card, e-check, Apple Pay or Google Pay.
  • Control the timing of payments by setting a schedule for future dates.

To access Invoice Cloud and create an account:

  1. Visit
  2. Select “Online Payments”
  3. Go to the payment portal and enter your parcel or account number, which will be located on your November utility bill and Winter Tax Bill (starting December 1, 2020).
  4. Set up an account to view history, set paperless billing and to store payment options.
Draft Parks & Recreation Master Plan Public Comment Period

The City of Dexter is seeking public input on the draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan. The Plan will chart the course for the City’s parks and recreation services for the next five years. The 30-day public input period will begin on November 15, 2020 and will end on December 15, 2020. A public hearing regarding the Parks and Recreation Master Plan will take place at the Parks and Recreation Commission meeting held on Tuesday, December 15, 2020 at 7:00 pm.

Interested parties are asked to submit comments in writing to Justin Breyer, Interim City Manager and City Clerk by e-mail at or by mail to 8123 Main St., 2nd Floor, Dexter, MI 48130. Copies of the draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan may be found at the Dexter City Offices, 8123 Main St., 2nd Floor, Dexter, MI 48130 weekdays between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm, or online at:

Public Hearing Notice

The following is a public hearing notice for the City of Dexter:

Zoning Board of Appeals will hold the following Public Hearing on Monday, November 16, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. via the Zoom online meeting platform.

The purpose of the public hearing is to receive public input on a variance request. The applicant, Metro Detroit Signs, on behalf of the property owner, Dexter Crossing Associates, LLC, is requesting the following variances in order to construct a building sign with an area of 89.6 square feet at 7039 Dexter-Ann Arbor Road, located in the Dexter Crossing Shopping Center, 7061 Dexter-Ann Arbor Road (08-08-08-200-021).

To view the public hearing notice and the draft lease visit – (click on 2020)

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