Defining Beauty: Dexter’s Robyn DeRuyver opens Copper Hill Beauty

Copper Hill Beauty isn’t going to create a different you, but it will help bring out the real and natural you and in the process make you feel better about yourself, more confident in what you do and highlight what makes you, well, YOU!

“I like to tell my clients, ‘define beauty, define you, love yourself,’” says Robyn DeRuyver (CRNA), who this month opened Copper Hill Beauty. “My philosophy is a ‘less is more’ approach that provides a youthful, natural appearance.

“I think some people are weary of doing some of these things because of the fear of looking ‘overdone.’ I want people to look natural. I don’t like the plastic, over-showed look. It needs to look like you – even the ‘you’ from 10 years ago.”

DeRuyver graduated from the nursing school at Eastern Michigan in 2000 and worked as a nurse in the cardiology department at the University of Michigan for seven years. In 2007, she went back to school at U-M Flint to get her Master’s Degree in anesthesiology and graduated in 2009.

She returned to U-M where she has been an anesthetist for 11 years.

DeRuyver is excited about adding her new and quite different job to an already busy schedule – but when you do things you love doing, busy is a good thing.

So, why Copper Hill Beauty?

“I’ve always loved taking care of myself and feeling good about myself,” she says. “From using eye cream to getting facials to eating right. It makes me feel good. I’m a ‘beauty junkie’ and always on the lookout for the newest and best in beauty.”

So DeRuyver started thinking about helping others feel good about themselves – there was a natural connection between what she enjoys doing for herself and her professional life where she helps people.

“I’ve always loved the precision and artfulness of aesthetics,” she says. “I felt like I can do this for other people. So I found a training course near me and decided to open Copper Hill Beauty.”

One of several specialty services offered at Copper Hill Beauty is Skin Rejuvenation Microneedling PRP Facial and Facelift. PRP (Platelet rich plasma) is a “natural, wonderful way to use your own blood’s platelets and plasma to improve skin tone, reduce pore size, reduce scarring, reduce wrinkles, reduce under eye circles and allow your skin to glow,” says DeRuyver. “It really brings out the youth in your face,” she says. “And it’s a natural process because you are using your own blood.”

DeRuyver is proof that Skin Rejuvenation Microneedling works.

“I had always wanted to do it and had it done during my training,” she said. “It’s pretty awesome. My skin has never been better.”

She says it’s a pain-free process.

“I have to draw some blood from your arm but that’s probably the worst part,” she says. After the blood draw, I use a special numbing cream on your face for some topical anesthesia. Then a microneedling device is used to make micro punctures in your skin. This part feels a lot like a cats tongue licking you. Your PRP is applied in little drops directly onto your skin during the microneedling.”

PRP contains up to 30 times the amount of growth factors that blood normally contains – this is why it’s referred to as “liquid gold.”

Copper Hill Beauty is open for appointments in both Dexter and Saline. For more information or to make an appointment, click HERE

Copper Hill Beauty

Robyn DeRuyver, CRNA
Locations: Home location on Zeeb Road in Dexter. Also works out of Luminosity Salon in Saline.
Phone: 734-646-7646


Xeomin: Known as the “naked neurotoxin,” as it lacks the accessory proteins found in other injectable toxins. The proteins in the other toxins are more likely to cause “tox resistance” which would mean your body doesn’t respond as well to the injections and the desired effect is not achieved.

Versa: Versatile dermal filler for lip hydration. Restylane Kysse is available by request.

Skin Rejuvenation Microneedling PRP Facial and Facelift: PRP facial is micro needling the entire face and applying your own plasma to the skin. PRP facelift includes injections of your plasma +/- dermal filler injection. You can combine the 2 treatments for a PRP facial with facelift.

Neocutis: anti-aging Pharmaceutical skin care line (more potent than any cosmetic line). They began developing products that support natural healing by stimulating the processes that regenerate and restore the key building blocks of skin structure- namely, collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid.

VI Peel: Chemical treatment that is designed to help improve the skin’s tone and texture. It is a composition of chemicals including salicylic acid, minerals, retinoic acid, TCA, and phenol that is applied to your face.


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