Around Town: City Council Goal Setting, Board/Committee Openings

City Council Goal Setting

As a part of the City’s annual budgeting process, the Dexter City Council will be meeting to discuss goals and priorities for the upcoming year. The City Council’s first Goal Setting Work Session in 2021 will be held on Saturday, January 9th at 8:30 am via the Zoom meeting platform. The meeting may be accessed by visiting the following link:; or by calling 877-853-5247 and dialing the meeting ID 981 7979 5743#

In advance of the City’s Goal Setting Work Sessions, City Council would like to invite the public to provide input on the City’s goals and priorities for the upcoming year. Members of the public that wish to share thoughts and comments with City Council regarding the City’s goals, objectives, priorities, or budget, may submit them in writing via e-mail to, or by mail/delivery to 8123 Main St., 2nd Floor, Dexter, MI 48130.

Board/Committee Openings

The Arts, Culture & Heritage Committee is seeking one new member. The Committee meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 6:30 pm and is an 11 member group that advises City Council on the development of arts, culture and heritage; promotes and publicizes projects that support arts, culture and heritage; serves as advocates for arts, culture, and heritage and encourages networking and collaborations of the arts, culture, and heritage of the City of Dexter.

The Board of Review is seeking one new member. The Board of Review meets during three months of the year, March, July, and December. The three member board of City residents meets to hear and consider appeals of assessed property tax values and to process certain tax exemptions. The following are the proposed 2021 Board of Review meeting dates:
– Tuesday, March 2, 2021 at 4 pm
– Monday, March 8, 2021 from 1 – 9 pm
– Wednesday, March 10, 2021 from 9 am – 12 pm, and from 1 – 5 pm
– Tuesday, July 20, 2021 at 4 pm
– Tuesday, December 14, 2021 at 4 pm

The Planning Commission is seeking one new member.  The Planning Commission meets the first Monday of each month at 7:00 pm. The Commission is comprised of 9 city resident members responsible for the creation and adoption of a master plan, which is a long range plan for the physical development of the City of Dexter.  The plan is reviewed and/or revised every 5 years.  The Commission is also responsible for holding required public hearings on changes to the zoning ordinance and recommending the boundaries of zoning districts. The Commission also reviews site plans and annually reviews the Capital Improvements Plan, which is a program to evaluate, prioritize and structure the financing of public improvement projects.

The Zoning Board of Appeals is seeking two new members to serve as alternates on the Board.  The ZBA meets as needed on the third Monday of the month at 7:00 pm to decide on requests for variances from the Zoning Ordinance.

Applicants for all positions, with the exception of the Arts, Culture & Heritage Committee, must be City of Dexter residents.

To apply for a position, please complete and return an application which can be found HERE

For more information on any of the positions please reply to this e-mail or contact the City Office at 734-426-8303.
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