Around Town: Property Tax Reminder; Dexter Art Gardens Display; Zoning Board

Property Tax Due Date Reminder

Winter property taxes are due on Tuesday, February 16, 2021. Payments must be received at the City Office by 5 pm, postmarks are not accepted.

To ensure receipt by Tuesday the 16th at 5 pm, payments can be dropped off to the City Office (8123 Main, 2nd floor) between 9 am and 5 pm, placed into the drop box near the front door of 8123 Main St., or the drop box next to the door to the Sheriff’s Office (8140 Main). A 3% penalty will be applied to payments received from February 17th to February 28th. After March 1, 2021 all real property tax payments must be made directly to Washtenaw County. Tax information can be found online at –

2021-22 Dexter Art Gardens Temporary Sculpture Display Call for Entries

The “Dexter Art Gardens” is an annual outdoor artwork exhibition sponsored by the Dexter Arts, Culture & Heritage Committee and the City of Dexter. Four (4) temporary outdoor artworks will be juried and placed on temporary display along with the City’s permanent collection for one (1) year: June 2021 – May 2022. The selected pieces will be installed on concrete pads in highly trafficked locations throughout Dexter. Applications may be submitted via e-mail, hard-copy, or the online Call for Entries platform, CaFE at: Submitting an application via the CaFE site is free. The deadline for submissions is Friday, February 26, 2021. Additional information, including the application form, may be found on the City’s website at:

 Hearing Notices

The following are upcoming public hearings for the City of Dexter. To view the public hearing notice and the draft please visit – (click on 2021)

Trash Collection

Garbage/recycle collection will NOT be delayed due to the holiday.

Zoning Board of Appeals will hold the following Public Hearing on Tuesday, February 16, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. via the Zoom online meeting platform.

The purpose of the public hearing is to receive public input on a variance request. The applicant is requesting a 10-foot variance from the 40-foot minimum front yard setback required by the R-1A – Residential Cluster Development standards for Westridge cul-de-sac properties, in order to construct a single-family dwelling with a front yard setback of 40 feet, a 10-foot variance, at 3274 Eastridge Dr., Dexter, MI 48130 (08-03-31-310-212).

Join Zoom Meeting:
Dial In: 877-853-5247 US Toll-free
Meeting ID: 992 6940 8785#

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