Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners to Receive Update on Broadband Task Force Activities

Washtenaw County – On Thursday, April 22nd at 6:30 PM, the Board of Commissioners will be receiving an update from the Broadband Task Force at their Working Session meeting.  

 “The past year of remote work, virtual gatherings, and important information being available online has made it abundantly clear that expanding broadband access needs to be a priority,” said Jason Maciejewski, Washtenaw County Commissioner for District 1. “I am looking forward to our conversation with the Broadband Task Force leadership to hear more about the new funding award and discuss how we can continue making progress.” 

 The Broadband Task Force was convened by the Board of Commissioners to explore how we can increase broadband access countywide via collaboration with local townships and exploring grant opportunities. On Thursday, the Task Force will present on recent activities, including providing information about the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund to expand access to thousands of households over the next decade.

“The Broadband Task Force has made exciting strides over the last year,” said Shannon Beeman, Washtenaw County Commissioner for District 3. “We must continue working together to ensure we create the infrastructure and financial supports so everyone in Washtenaw County will have access to and be able to afford high-speed internet.” 

Members of the public are welcome to attend the virtual meeting to learn more about the expansion of broadband internet in the county. There will also be a period for public comment. You can join by following this link: https://washtenaw.me/BOCZoom or by calling 1 (312) 626-6799, webinar ID: 924 4462 0326. 

The Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners is comprised of nine elected officials representing different Washtenaw County communities. The current Board will serve from January 2021 through December 2022. 

Click here to find the list of Commissioners by district.   

You can stay up to date on the latest from the Board of Commissioners by visiting Washtenaw.org/BOC, or by following them on TwitterFacebook, and Instagram. 

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