EFD: Your support is needed now more than ever!

The Educational Foundation of Dexter is proud to continue supporting Dexter students and teachers. As a unified organization, they have merged the EFD focus on teacher grants with E4DS’s original mission to support larger district initiatives. This year, they provided DCS with $32,000 in funding for Mood Lifters and other supportive mental health and wellness programming.

They also awarded $22,000 in teacher grants impacting every DCS building, including 3-D printers for Mill Creek and Wylie’s Rainbow Lending Library.

This summer, EFD would like to provide financial support to Dread Strong Summer, a fun, free and educational opportunity for Y5 – 8th grade students. Participants will be exposed to a variety of experiences over the course of each week designed to engage them in hands-on, collaborative learning. Best of all, Dexter students will be able to be with their peers, and be kids!

EFD’s goal is to provide $50,000 each year toward teacher-authored grants and district initiatives to benefit Dexter students. The pandemic has prevented EDF from hosting any in-person events in 2020 and 2021 such as our annual Spring Gala. To carry forward the EFD mission, they rely on your support to fund vital student programs.

To donate, click HERE

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