United Way of Washtenaw County Presents Annual Volunteer Appreciation Awards and 2020 Annual Report

United Way of Washtenaw County has presented its annual Volunteer Appreciation awards, which recognize business partners and volunteers who make a difference in our community by giving, advocating, and volunteering. These awards were presented virtually and honored those who helped UWWC advance its vision — a Washtenaw
County where your zip code no longer determines your opportunity in life.

Awards were presented this year to nine different organizations and community volunteers.

Recipients included Brandon Tucker, UWWC Campaign Chair; Cheryl Taylor of WISD, Employee Campaign Coordinator of the Year; Neel Hajra of the Ann Arbor Area Community Foundation, CEO of the Year; DTE, Workplace DEI Champions; Megan Mazurek, Volunteer of the Year; and University of Michigan, Workplace Giving Campaign of the Year. 2020 also brought a new category: the Creative Campaign award, which was awarded to Bank of Ann Arbor, Hylant, and Washtenaw Community College for their respective creativity in fundraising during such a difficult year.

“Our volunteers and donors are the engine of this organization,” shared United Way of Washtenaw County CEO Pam Smith. “We appreciate each individual who gives their all and the businesses that help us create community change.”

UWWC has also released its 2020 Annual Report, detailing equity focused community progress, pandemic pivots and review of the past year. The full report can be viewed at www.uwwashtenaw.org/annualreports and a video version can be found at www.youtube.com/user/unitedwayofwashtenaw.

About United Way of Washtenaw County
United Way of Washtenaw County connects people, organizations and resources together to create a thriving community for everyone. The Community Impact model focuses on health, education and financial stability issues to create opportunities for families and strengthen Washtenaw County. Over its 99-year history, UWWC has invested more than 250 million dollars to support over 60 successful local human services agencies in a comprehensive, integrated way that created positive lasting change in Washtenaw County.

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