Around Town: Spring Clean-Up; Request for Information – Use of Space; Brush Collection

Spring Clean-Up

The City provides expanded collection of trash, appliances, and other bulky items on the third Mondays of May and October each year. The upcoming Spring Clean-Up is scheduled for Monday, May 17, 2021. The following additional guidelines apply: all loose material must be contained; appliances and bulky items are limited to what two people can safely lift; electronic and hazardous waste is not permitted. Additional refuse and recycling information is available on the City’s website at:,_recycling,_and_yard_waste.php.

3515 Broad Street and Request for Information – Use of Space

The City of Dexter has entered into a purchase agreement for property located at 3515 Broad Street to serve as the new City Hall. City Council is scheduled to consider the adoption of a resolution to authorize the issuance of bonds for this property purchase during their meeting on Monday, May 24, 2021.

The City of Dexter is seeking information from businesses and organizations regarding potential interest in utilizing City-owned facilities, if space were to be made available. If the City moves forward with the purchase of 3515 Broad St., the City may choose to make space available to one or more businesses or community organizations. Businesses and community groups are invited to make their interest known to the City that they would be interested in accessing or renting space from the City (if the City were to have additional space available) by describing (in writing) the business or organization and how the space would be used. The City is asking that responses be submitted no later than Monday, May 17, 2021 at 5:00 pm to 8123 Main St., 2nd Floor, or by e-mail to The Request for Information and associated submission form is available on the City’s website at:

Brush Collection

The City’s Department of Public Works uses a wood chipper to chip brush piles set out to the curb on Wednesdays. Brush must be out by 7:00 am. If it is set out after 7:00 am it may not be picked up until the following Wednesday. To see a video on how the City’s DPW employees chip brush, please visit the City’s YouTube page.

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