Washtenaw County: COVID-19 Vaccination Now Available to Everyone 12 Years and Older

YPSILANTI – Washtenaw County Health Department and area health care providers encourage everyone eligible for vaccination to get vaccinated against COVID-19. Vaccination is now open to everyone 12 years old and older. Vaccine is widely available locally, and there is no cost to individuals.

“COVID-19 vaccine is now readily available in our community,” says Juan Luis Marquez, MD, MPH, medical director with Washtenaw County Health Department. “I encourage everyone eligible to be vaccinated. Available vaccines provide both individual protection and community protection. Vaccination can help us get back to normal activities safely and as quickly as possible.”

Anyone under 18 years old needs to be accompanied by a parent or guardian when getting vaccinated. Identification is not required for adolescents, and the parent or guardian attests to age.

Anyone getting vaccinated should eat about an hour before vaccination and stay hydrated with water or non-caffeinated beverages.


Free transportation is available to Washtenaw County vaccination sites. Any resident of any age who needs transportation to get their vaccination can call 844-900-4892 and use the code “Vaccinate Washtenaw” to schedule a ride. Please schedule at least 24 hours in advance, if possible. Public shuttles are also available to the Health Department’s Ypsilanti and Chelsea mass vaccination sites.

Health Department COVID-19 Vaccination

Washtenaw County Health Department continues to provide COVID-19 vaccination through our mass vaccination sites in Ypsilanti and Chelsea, community pop-up clinics across the county, and home visits. Vaccination for those 12-15 years begins Friday. See www.washtenaw.org/covid19vaccine for updates and scheduling or call 734-544-6700.

Emergency mass vaccination sites will scale back as vaccine becomes more plentiful through more standard options. The Pierce Lake Elementary site in Chelsea is scheduled to close as of Tues, 5/25. The EMU Convocation Center site, staffed in partnership with St. Joseph Mercy Ann Arbor, will scale back from four days per week to two by the end of the month; Wednesdays and Saturdays will continue tentatively through June.

Multiple local providers including pharmacies also have COVID-19 vaccine appointments readily available. The Health Department regularly updates a list of local vaccine sites online.

Michigan Medicine COVID-19 Vaccination

Michigan Medicine is now offering appointments to people age 12 and older at the Michigan Stadium vaccine clinic in Ann Arbor.

“Parents should take this opportunity to vaccinate their 12 to 15 year-old children against COVID-19. Doing so will prevent their child from being infected with COVID-19 while participating in summer activities, prevent transmission to other family members and friends, and protect the health of the broader community,” says Laraine Washer, MD, Medical Director of Infection Control at Michigan Medicine.

In late May, the clinic will be moving the Ann Arbor COVID-19 vaccination clinic from Michigan Stadium to the U-M North Campus Research Complex. The location of the appointment will be noted during scheduling.

People wishing to have themselves or their child vaccinated through Michigan Medicine but who do not have an MRN can call the patient registration line at 734-936-4990.

Appointment scheduling will be available online through the Michigan Medicine MyUofMHealth patient portal or by calling the COVID vaccine scheduling center at 734-763-6336.

IHA COVID-19 Vaccination

Please continue to monitor IHAcares.com/schedulevaccine which will include the online scheduling link for 12–15-year-olds as soon as it is available.  At this point, vaccinations are by appointment only, no walk-in or drop-in options.

IHA is planning to offer COVID Vaccines for children 12 and up in the following IHA Pediatrics locations and will adjust as the demand dictates: IHA Abor Park Pediatrics (Ypsilanti); IHA Dominos Farms Pediatrics (Ann Arbor); IHA WestArbor Pediatrics (Ann Arbor); IHA Livingston Pediatrics  (Brighton); IHA Plymouth Pediatrics (Plymouth); IHA Cherry Hill Village Pediatrics (Canton); IHA Union Lake Pediatrics (Commerce Twp).

Children do not need to be an IHA patient to receive their COVID-19 Vaccine at IHA. If any parents still need their COVID-19 vaccine, they can book themselves in an available slot when booking their child.

Packard Health COVID-19 Vaccination

Packard Health has free COVID-19 vaccines for anyone in the community 12 years or older. Self-scheduling is available through the Packard Health website. Vaccination appointments are available at three locations: Packard Health Ypsilanti, Packard Health West, and Packard Health Main.

“If you or someone you know needs assistance with transportation, mobility, or other barriers to getting vaccinated, we can help. Please call (734) 773-1830 for assistance.” says Packard Health’s Director of Nursing Oryanna Diem.

Out of State Vaccination

If you were vaccinated out of state, you can make sure your vaccination is counted in Michigan by asking your primary health care provider to update your immunization record in the statewide database (Michigan Care Improvement Registry or MCIR). The State of Michigan is also working on agreements with neighboring states to share immunization information.

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