Artist registration open for the 2021 Paint Dexter Plein Air Festival

The Dexter Arts, Culture, and Heritage Committee is excited to announce that artist registration is now open for the 2021 Paint Dexter Plein Air Festival. This year’s dates are August 16th – 20th.

The registration form can be found on the Paint Dexter Plein Air Festival website HERE. In general, the format will look very similar to last year, with a few notable tweaks.

– Artist registration for the Festival will close on Wednesday, August 11, 2021 at 5:00pm.
– There will be no registration fee to enter as a participating artist.
– There will be no separation of professional and emerging artist categories.
– Participating artists will check-in and paint on their own as normal within the Dexter School District boundaries between August 16th and Aug 20th.
– Artists will check-out on Friday, August 20. Photos will not be taken at check-out this year. Artists will be asked to take their own pictures and submit them via e-mail to Festival staff.
– We will ask artists to maintain social distancing guidelines, and wear masks when unable to maintain at least 6’ separation from other artists and area residents.
– There will be no in-person Festival Tent, exhibit or public reception. Instead, an online exhibit will open at the end of the event. The online component will be hosted on the Festival’s website at, where the submitted pieces will be available for sale to the general public. The public will be able to purchase a piece or pieces by calling the City of Dexter or visiting the City of Dexter offices in-person.

Participating artists may submit up to 5 paintings from the 2021 Paint Dexter Plein Air Festival for online sale. Artists may also submit up to 3 paintings that have not sold from prior year Paint Dexter Plein Air Festivals that did not sell. These must be original pieces (not prints) that have a stamped canvass and were produced during a Paint Dexter Plein Air Festival. Artists shall be responsible for shipping sold pieces to buyers.

The following changes will impact festival patrons:

– We will not be hosting an adult workshop or children’s event this year either. We hope to resume those in 2022.
– The painting sale will take place in an online format.

Thank you for your patience and dedication to the Paint Dexter Plein Air Festival. If you have any questions, please contact us at .

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