Around Town: Road work updates, city facilities information, more

Road Work Updates

Updates on road and utility projects planned to be performed by the City of Dexter can be found on the City of Dexter’s website at:

Residents can find and subscribe to receive e-mail updates on road projects being performed by the Washtenaw County Road Commission, including the projects listed below, on the Road Commission’s website at:

Dexter Crossing Road Resurfacing – City of Dexter
Starting in August 2021, a road resurfacing project will take place in the Dexter Crossing neighborhood. Impacted roads include: Bristol Dr., Kingsley Cir., and a portion of Wellington Dr. An on-site informational public meeting for this project will be held on Thursday, June 17, 2021 starting at 6:00pm on Wellington Dr. between Bristol Dr. and Carrington Dr./Coventry Cir.

Dexter-Ann Arbor Rd. and Baker Rd. – WCRC
The Washtenaw County Road Commission’s Weekly Road Work Schedule indicates that preventative maintenance road work will occur on Dexter-Ann Arbor Rd. between the City of Dexter limits and M-14, and on Baker Rd. between I-94 and Shield Rd. during the week of June 14, 2021. This work will require intermittent lane closures. City staff is working with the Road Commission to clarify the timeline for these road projects and to verify that the projects are staggered so that the intermittent lane closures do not impact both roads at the same time. Questions about these projects may be directed to: Ken Harris,, (734) 327-6696

Mast Road Bridge – WCRC
The Washtenaw County Road Commission has provided an update on the work being performed on the Mast Road Bridge. Since the start of the bridge preventative maintenance work, the construction crews discovered that the northern pier of the bridge needs some additional repairs where the beams are supported, which means that the project and lane closures will be extended until late August. Two-way traffic will continue to be maintained through a temporary traffic signal. Questions about this project may be directed to: Nate Murphy,, (734) 327-6647. Additional information on this project can be found at:

City Facilities Information

This spring the City of Dexter entered into a Purchase Agreement for property located at 3515 Broad St. City Council is scheduled to consider a resolution to permit the City to close on the purchase of 3515 Broad St. during their Monday, June 14, 2021 virtual meeting (the Zoom access link for this meeting is available under Public Hearing Notices below). Additional information on this project can be found on the City’s website at:

Waste Wizard Online Tool

The City of Dexter, in cooperation with the Washtenaw Regional Resource Management Authority (WRRMA), has deployed an online Waste Wizard tool. This online tool allows residents to search various materials to see whether materials are recyclable at the curb and how to properly dispose of non-recyclable materials. The tool is available on the City’s website on the Trash, Recycling, and Yard Waste page at:,_recycling,_and_yard_waste.php.

Paint Dexter Plein Air Festival Artist Registration

Artist registration for the 2021 Paint Dexter Plein Air Festival will remain open until Wednesday, August 11, 2021 at 5:00pm. The registration form can be found on the Paint Dexter Plein Air Festival website at: The dates for this year’s Festival are August 16th – 20th. The Festival will conclude with an online exhibition and sale.

For this year’s Festival, there will be no registration fee to enter as a participating artist and there will be no separation of professional and emerging artist categories. There will also be no in-person sale or workshops. Questions about the Paint Dexter Plein Air Festival may be directed to

Hawker/Peddler Permit

A hawker/peddler permit has been issued to Aptive LLC to go door-to-door in the City. The permit is valid from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm through the summer.

Public Hearing Notices

City Council will hold the following Public Hearings on Monday, June 14, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. via the Zoom online meeting platform:

Join Zoom Meeting:
Dial In: 877-853-5247 US Toll-free
Meeting ID: 952 7087 7747#

Public Hearing #1 is an opportunity for the public to comment on the proposed budget and millage rates.

Public Hearing #2 is an opportunity for the public to comment on the proposed water, sewer and refuse rates.

Copies of the public hearing notices and draft budget can be accessed at –  (click on 2021)

Additional information on the draft budget is available in the work session packets from April 21st, April 28th, and May 12th. Packets can be accessed at (click on 2021)

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