Dexter Board of Education Looking to Fill Vacancies

The Dexter Community Schools Board of Education is looking to fill two vacancies created by the 6/30/2021 resignations of Dr. Julie Schumaker and Dr. Daryl Kipke. According to State law, the Board must fill the vacancy within the next thirty days. The terms for both seats run through December 31, 2021.

To indicate your interest in being considered for this vacancy, citizens should submit the following application materials via the district website no later than July 16th at 4:00pm:

• online letter of intent (via Google form on District website; no more than one page long, detailing the candidate’s experiences and qualifications they would bring to board service);

• notarized affidavit of identity affirming application eligibility (form attached and posted at;

• resume including home address, telephone number, and email address.

Qualified candidates will interview with the Board of Education on Wednesday, July 21 between 5 and 8 p.m. or Monday, July 26, between 3 and 5:30 p.m. (if needed, depending on number of applicants). The Board will select an appointee immediately following the interviews on July 26 and the appointees will be sworn in and seated to begin their appointments at the 7 p.m. regular board meeting on July 26.

Anyone who has questions about board service may email the entire Board of Education at or contact individual trustees by using the emails listed in the BOE directory. Anyone with questions about the application process should contact Hope Vestergaard at or 734-424-4102

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