News & Notes: From the Sept. 17 Dexter City Council meeting

By Aimee Bingham Osinski

The Sept. 17 meeting opened with the Approval Of The Minutes.  The meeting minutes were approved.

Pre-arranged Participation was next:

  1. Dexter Little League State Championship Proclamation. The Dexter Little League coach accepted the proclamation for the All-Star Softball Team ages 9-11. This is the first State Championship win for boys or girls of any age division. Each individual player was honored by their coach before the City Council.  Congratulations!
  2. Constitution Week Proclamation; 1955 the Daughters of the American Revolution petitioned Congress to celebrate the constitution. The average lifespan of constitutions is 17 years. The World’s first enshrining self-governance. Sept 17-23rd is Constitution Week.

Approval of the agenda was next.  The agenda was approved.

Non-arranged participation; Joe Semifero spoke under public participation.. He referred to the work session and things discussed prior to the meeting.  He does not believe or agree that the council should be limited on speaking regarding opinions on issues.

Paul Calley spoke regarding some traffic issues in his neighborhood. There is an issue with people speeding in his neighborhood.  He noted the number of young people speeding through the neighborhood.  The council will be following up and trying to figure out some sort of a resolution.

Reports were next:

  1. Public Services Superintendent – Dan Schlaff. The mayor noted that weeds have been trimmed and the path looks better and safer.
  1. Community Development Manager – Michelle Aniol. She provided information on the 2020 census.
  1. City Manager Report – Justin Breyer provided his written report and had no verbal updates. The mayor asked about the Twisted Fish. It does move but not the way it used to. Ms. Jones was informed that the city will now accept her resignation.  She will be missed.
  1. Mayor Report – Shawn Keough. The mayor received a call from a director of the road commission. He was asking if the city is interested in applying with the road commission for grant money. The mayor is in favor of partnering.  Suds on the River had a nice turn out and was a very nice time.

Consent Agenda:

  1. Consideration of: Bills & Payroll in the amount of: $375,308.77.
  1. Consideration of: Proposal from Excavators II, Inc. for Hudson St. Sanitary Sewer Main Replacement from Third to Fourth for an Amount not to Exceed $12,590.
  1. Consideration of: Closure of Central St. from Main to Fifth for Apple Daze on October 2, 2021

Motion carried on consent agenda.

Old Business was next; Consideration and Discussion of:

  1. Consideration of: City Council Organizational Matters. The motion carried.

New Business; Consideration and Discussion of:

  1. Consideration of: Resolution to Approve an Application to the Washtenaw County Connecting Communities Grant Program, Peter Sanderson spoke on the Dexter to Chelsea connector. Dance to Wylie, Working on Wylie to Parker.   The Pandemic slowed everything down. Peter is excited to work with the city to connect to the mill Creek Trail. The motion carried.
  1. Discussion of: Succession Planning. Justin is trying to plan for major retirements in the near future, including Dan and Marie. Justin wants to make certain there is continuity in service. The need is to bring on an assistant City Manager as soon as possible. Justin will be working with Dan and providing updates at every meeting.
  1. Discussion of: Transportation Improvements Program Call for Projects. 3 projects: Baker Rd, Dexter-Ann Arbor Rd, and Broad St.. Does not require council action. In front of the council in case there are any questions.
  1. Consideration of: Setting Public Hearing for Ethics Ordinance The city attorney discussed the ordinance and things the council will want to discuss and address. The mayor wanted to make certain that this ordinance addresses what the city charter requires.   It does. Sanam would like to take another look prior to having the public hearing. Zach noted the point of a public hearing is to get input. Zach is happy to make adjustments after public input.  It was determined that this should be postponed to the next meeting.
  1. Discussion of: Review of Fire Station Documents. Justin discussed that on Nov 10th there will be a Miosha meeting. Justin wanted to make sure the information provided was what the council wanted.   Sanam stated that it was and she appreciated all the work that went into it.

Council Comments;  Ms. Fisher stated that Alex is about 18 inches taller than she thought. It was the first in-person meeting for the council.  Jamie noted that a flag was needed in the future.  Paul offered opinions on how it is to participate on Zoom.  He requested that people coughing turn from the mic.  I appreciated that he noted it. He added some lighting issues.  And how soft and echoey the comments from the audience were.  Paul wanted to ask Sanam about her baby.  Congratulations and welcome to the world Roland!

The meeting adjourned.

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