News & Notes: From the Sept. 27 City Council Meeting

By: Aimee Bingham Osinski

The mayor honored Carole Jones for her service to the community.

The agenda was approved.

COMMUNICATIONS: 1. Upcoming Meeting List


Dan Schlaff noted that there was a rain delay on some work.

Community Development Manager – Michelle Anioli; The trees will not be planted Tuesday September 28 and they need to have a miss dig.

Justin Breyer gave his report and discussed upcoming events including Fall Clean Up Day on Oct 18th. He had some questions regarding Halloween timing.  It is a Sunday so the Council felt 6-7 pm was a good time.

Mayor Report – Shawn Keough;  The DDA after reviewing the Norfolk letter.  DDA would like to go back out for a RFP.  Michelle is working on the revision.  3545 Broad Street Committee was listed. The revisions will be ready on Thursday at 3.  There will be a Zoom link for the meeting.


  1. Consideration of: Bills & Payroll in the amount of: $293,813.39.
  2. Consideration of: Homecoming Parade Road Closures.
  3. Consideration of: Holiday Hustle Road Closure Request.
  4. Consideration of: Proposal from ASTI Environmental to perform sub-slab soil sampling for an amount not to Exceed $25,500 The consent agenda was approved.
  5. OLD BUSINESS- Consideration and Discussion of:
  6. Consideration of: Setting a Public Hearing for Conflict of Interest Ordinance. A motion was made to set a public hearing for oct. 25th. The city attorney spoke and explained what he and Justin tried to do, which incorporated the feedback received from the Council. Motion carried.

NEW BUSINESS– Consideration and Discussion of:

  1. Consideration of: Care-to-Cure. The plan has been updated several times. The planning commission unanimously approved the site plan.   The planning commission supported  the waiver requests.  Zach offered some suggestions and requests.  Alison spoke on behalf of care to cure.   She believes that the condition The Council  had, was to be sure the lightning is not bright white, would be fine.   He also requested that the sidewalk be wider.  Allison believes that 7ft should be fine for a sidewalk. Motion carried.
  1. Consideration of: Penn Alley Vacation. The motion carried.
  1. Consideration of: Request from the Dexter Senior Center for Funding in an amount not to exceed $16,500 Relating to Rendering Services to City of Dexter Seniors. Councilwoman Fisher spoke highly of the work the center has been doing. James spoke on behalf of the senior center.  He noted that he is receiving funding from Dexter, Scio, and Webster.  This is the first year that 100% of the municipalities will be contributing.  The motion carried.
  1. Consideration of: 150 Jeffords Accessible Parking Spaces This is a single space. The DDA considered the request.  The DDA is recommending the Council utilize the parking fund to create a barrier free space  near the front.   The Council is looking for more information and dimensions.  The decision was to revisit the motion at a later date with more information.
  1. Consideration of: Setting a Public Hearing to Consider the Adoption of a New Adopting Ordinance for the General Code of Ordinances The motion was made for a hearing on Oct 25th. The motion carried.
  1. Discussion of: Winter 2021-22 Social District/Outdoor Seating/Events. Michelle discussed what would be needed for an outdoor tent. Michelle suggested not setting up the tent and to go with the less expensive option. Michelle encouraged The Council to make a decision by the end of October.
  1. Discussion/Consideration of: City Council Rules. There was discussion about how the agenda is made. The Mayor doesn’t believe this has been a problem. There seems to be a question as to whether or not the mayor has political power to impact the agenda in his favor. The motion was made to approve the rules in the packet.  Zach does not support because 17 has not been sorted out just yet.   He explained that, “When you’re writing code you’re also trying to break it.” He is trying to ensure that norms aren’t abused in the future. The mayor wants this updated as soon as possible.  Sanam asked to amend to approve the first 16 rules and continue to discuss 17.  The motion passed.

COUNCIL COMMENTS;  Zach stated  there were a number of items that would have been good for the sidewalk and alley committee.  He would like to activate  the committee. Council member Cousins thanked everyone for the support, in the loss of his wife.  He spoke of his wife and what an amazing woman she was.   Dexter is grieving the loss of Pat Cousins and is surrounding Paul Cousins and family with love.

ADJOURNMENT; the motion passed.











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