Dexter Board of Education Bulletin: Oct. 18 School Board Meeting

2020-2021 Audit Presentation
Kim Lindsay from Rehmann Robson, LLC presented the 2020-2021 financial audit, reporting the District has “no findings or reportable conditions,” the highest possible opinion. Mr. Lindsay walked Trustees through the details of the audit report, congratulating Dexter CFO Dr. Sharon Raschke and her team for their diligence in maintaining the District’s stable financial position. Both Lindsay and Superintendent Chris Timmis remarked that the majority of Dr. Raschke’s Business Office team is new this year, and thanked them for a smooth and productive audit. Board President Mara Greatorex thanked Lindsay for the presentation, saying it helps make the report more manageable.

A DHS parent asked if the Board has considered withdrawing from the National School Boards Association (NSBA), requested website updates, and asked for Board meetings to be livestreamed.


National Principals Month
Dr. Timmis began his update by recognizing October as National Principals Month and applauding Dexter’s outstanding principals.

SWWC Highlights
The SWWC Open House & Business Showcase, “Preparing Tomorrow’s Essential Employees Today,” is scheduled for Tuesday, November 30th from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. at Saline High School. The SWWC is a career and technical education program available to students from Chelsea, Dexter, Lincoln, Manchester, Milan and Saline. GraphX, housed at DHS, provides students authentic experiences through use of state-of-the-art visual imaging and digital printing technology and equipment. Chelsea houses the Engineering/Robotics program, and both Building Trades and Advanced Manufacturing are based at Saline HS. These are only a few of the many educational opportunities available via SWWC (click link for more program information).

Upcoming State of the School District & Job Postings
Dr. Timmis announced a State of the School District event is being planned for November 4th, and will be held virtually to allow all to participate. Lastly, job postings for additional social workers for both the DEEC and the District, as well as two counselor positions, will soon be posted.

Student Representative Griffin Patel shared several recent school events, including Beacon Blast Fun Run, Anchor Fun Run, Walk or Roll, Wylie Run/Walk/Roll and Creekside Move-It Day. Both Beacon and Anchor’s Fun Runs raised over $20,000 each. Patel also reported the District recently celebrated Homecoming with a parade and dance, and all schools are actively presenting the message of being kind and positive to one another.

The evening’s consent items, including a request for leave and the June & September Budget Reports, were unanimously approved.

September 20, 2021

Schedule Board Workshop 11/15/21
Trustees voted to change their regular meeting scheduled for November 15th to a Board workshop to be held at WISD in order to train all board members in official MASB evaluation processes.
2020-21 Fund Balance Designations and Fund Balance Classifications Following a brief explanation by Dr. Raschke, the Board unanimously approved the 2020-21 fund balance designations as defined in the packet memo, and authorized by resolution the intent to define fund balance classifications for the 2021-22 fiscal year as defined in the same memo.

Accept 2020-21 Financial Audit
Trustees received the 2020-2021 Financial Audit that was presented earlier in the meeting.

Policies – Second Reading
At its September 20, 2021 meeting, the Board of Education reviewed recommended edits and approved for first reading policies 2260.01 (section 504/ADA prohibition against discrimination based on disability), 5341 (emergency medical authorization), 5342 (new – DNR orders for minor students), 5343 (new – physician order for scope of treatment), 7440.01 (video surveillance and electronic monitoring), 8321 (criminal justice information security), 8330 (student records), 8400 (school safety information), and 8500 (food services). The Board unanimously approved these policies for second reading and final approval as presented.


2020-21 Financial Results

The meeting packet included a second memo from Dr. Raschke detailing the 2020-2021 Financial Results. Treasurer Dick Lundy noted that the District’s budget is always striving to break even, and this year’s financial performance was within $78,000. Dr. Timmis clarified that the audit report shows an overage of $1.8M, but most of that amount is COVID-19-related (ESSER) funds; the true revenue over expense is $78,000. Dan Alabré asked if ESSER (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund) will continue to be reported, to which Dr. Raschke replied it will be reported until the money is spent down. Elise Bruderly thanked Dr. Raschke for presenting the financial information in such an accessible way, as well as detailing specific revenues and expenses related to COVID-19 protocols. Mara Greatorex echoed Bruderly’s thanks, citing her attention to detail and the challenge of bringing a new business office team up to speed.

MASB Delegate Assembly Resolutions

The MASB Annual Assembly will be November 11th in Grand Rapids. Mara Greatorex will represent DCS as voting delegate with Jennifer Kangas as alternate. A compilation of resolutions to be voted on at the conference was included in the board packet. Trustees are to review the resolutions and bring any particular concerns to the next meeting (November 1, 2021) for discussion so the voting delegates will know the Board’s wishes.

There were no speakers.


September 20, 2021

Behind the Scenes Conference Update
Daniel Alabré reported on his experience attending the recent MASB Behind the Scenes Workshop in Lansing. Alabré found the event to be very interesting and was able to meet with 2 Michigan senators and 2
congressmen, as well as have lunch with State Representative Donna Lasinski. Topics discussed at the workshop included staff shortages through the state and country, the diminishing pipeline of teachers in Michigan and several possible bills.
Elise Bruderly shared she is thrilled to hear about the new social work/counseling positions being posted. She also thanked Dr. Timmis and all building staff after recently touring each building in the District. Bruderly commented it was wonderful to see the kids happy and engaged in learning, a wonderful reminder of all the good happening in our buildings.
Melanie Szwara commented on the successful Walk to School event last week, saying she was excited to see the bus hub in action as she walked her kids from building to building.
Dick Lundy echoed Bruderly’s comments about the value of in-school Board visits, saying he has toured buildings in the past, but found this opportunity to spend time in buildings talking with students and teachers in action to be extremely valuable.
Mara Greatorex reminded the community about the Educational Foundation of Dexter’s Rivalry Challenge with Chelsea. To “get in the game,” text Dreads to 44321 or visit for details and updates.

● Board Bulletin 9/30/2021
● Draft Finance Minutes 9/28/2021
Monday, November 1 – 7:00pm – Regular Meeting – Bates
Monday, November 15 – 5:00pm – Board Workshop – Bates (Superintendent Evaluation)
Monday, December 6 – 7:00pm – Board Meeting – Bates

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