Creekside students getting in tune with Dexter Band Program

There is a lot of excitement at Creekside as 120 fifth and 110 sixth graders start their musical journey with the Dexter Band Program. The Creekside bands, led by Mrs. Rachel Wilson, have spent the first few months of the school year getting geared up for their musical years ahead.

You may wonder, how exactly does a student choose which instrument they would like to play.

During the first week of school, students attend a demonstration of all the instruments they can plan.  During the following week, students went through an instrument “fitting” where they got to try the instruments they were interested in. There were plenty of Covid protocols in place, such as sanitizing mouthpieces and not having students all playing on the same instruments. While this made fittings more difficult than in past years, Marshall Music sent staff members and instruments to help.

Once students narrowed down their instrument choices to their first and second choices, the music teachers created class rosters, instruments were secured and beginning band music books were distributed.

Parents have the option to rent or buy instruments with many parents choosing to rent instruments for their beginners. Dexter bands partner with Marshall Music for their instrument needs and they delivered many instruments to the school the last week of September.

Since that time, beginning students have learned how to put their instruments together, how to make their first sounds and are starting to play their first notes and simple songs.

The beginning band students typically have a couple of performances a year, including Band Extravaganza held at Dexter High School in March.

To learn more about the Dexter band program, please visit our website HERE

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