Dexter District Library: Winter Youth Events for Kids


In-person Story Times and Youth Programs:
With consideration for the ongoing pandemic, and for the safety of everyone involved, please take special note of the following:

  • Registration is required for all Story Times and Youth programs.
  • Space is limited – each individual, including adults and infants should register so we have an accurate count of how many people are in the room.
  • Face coverings are REQUIRED for all patrons who are medically able to wear face coverings during Story Times and Youth programs held indoors. Presenting Librarians will be masked.
  • Face covering requirements are subject to change without notice.


Youth Winter Break Reading Challenge
December 1 – December 31
Registration on Beanstack required and begins December 1
Ages 0-12

 Keep kids engaged with reading and writing in fun ways during their winter break. Kids of all ages can complete a variety of reading challenges on Beanstack during the month of December. Complete at least 10 activity badges to be eligible for a prize. There is no particular order and the challenges are “stackable”, meaning it’s possible to complete more than one activity at a time. If your child completes at least 10 Activity Badges, they are eligible to receive a prize. Stop by the Youth Reference desk of the Dexter District Library during the month of January to collect your small, surprise reward.


Winter Story Times at the Library
January 10 – March 3
Registration begins on Tuesday, December 28
Toddlers and Preschoolers

Registration for Winter Story Times begins Tuesday, December 28.  Winter Story Times for toddlers and preschoolers will start on Monday, January 10 and run until Thursday, March 3. Registration is required, parents or caregivers of children may register in the library or by calling 734-426-4477. Space is limited due to social distancing. Registration will be on a first come first served basis. Face coverings are required.

Children 18 months to 5 years of age may sign up for a story time session. Each session runs for 8 weeks. Story Times are held on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays at 10:00 am and 11:00 am. Children under 18 months may attend, however books and activities are geared for toddlers and preschoolers. Infants are welcome at story times with their siblings.  Parents or caregivers are required to attend. Each session lasts approximately 30 minutes.

Winter Story Times for children include picture, pop-up and interactive books, flannel-board stories, songs, puppets, finger plays and other activities that encourage a love of reading.


Super Stories Book Club
For Young Fives and Kindergartners
Thursday, December 2
4:30 – 5:00 pm

Theme:  Gingerbread

Registration begins Thursday, November 4

This is a story and craft program held in person at the library for kids transitioning out of story time and into book club. Adults may attend this program with their children. Each month Ms. Krista will read books related to a theme and then the kids will make a theme related craft. Registration is required.


Club Create Book Club
Grades 1 – 2
Thursday, December 9
4:30 – 5:15 pm

Theme:  Gingerbread

Registration begins Thursday, November 11

This is an independent book club for first and second graders held in person at the library. Miss Krista will read longer picture books centered on a theme and the group will participate in activities and crafts related to the theme. Registration is required.


Build-a-Buggy – Virtual Program
Grades K – 5
Saturday, December 11
10:00am – 11:00am

Registration begins Monday, November 8

Explore forces and motion while designing and building a buggy that moves! We’ll provide the wheels, axles, and materials to build the body, you engineer a way to make the buggy move! Are you up for the challenge? Space is limited. Registration is required. Face coverings are required


Holiday Craft Bags
Take & Make Crafts
Monday, December 13 – Sunday, December 19
For kids of all ages

Kids of all ages are invited to stop by the library and pick up a bag with a variety of seasonal or themed crafts to make at home.
No registration required. While supplies last. Limit 5 per family.


All Star Readers Book Club
Grades 3 – 4
Thursday, December 16
4:30 – 5:30 pm

Book:  The Magic Eraser by Aaron Starmer

Registration begins Thursday, November 18


All Star Readers Book Club will meet in person this winter. We’ll play an icebreaker game, have a book discussion, and do an activity related to the book we discuss. Books will be available to pick up at the library after you register. Registration is required.


Holiday Card Making Program
Grades K – 4
Tuesday, December 21
Session 1 – 10:00 am – 10:45 am
Session 2 – 11:30 am – 12:15 pm

Registration begins Tuesday, November 23

Create beautiful and festive homemade cards for your friends and family.


Holiday Virtual Story Time on Facebook Live
Wednesday, December 22
10:30 am – 11:00 am
Toddlers and Preschoolers

Join us for a special story time filled with stories, rhymes, and songs celebrating winter and the holidays.


New Year’s Hats & Noisemakers Craft Program
Wednesday, December 29
Session 1 – 10:00 – 10:45 am
Session 2 – 11:30 – 12:15 pm
Children of all ages and their families

Children of all ages are invited to create New Year’s hats and noisemakers to ring in the New Year.

Registration begins Wednesday, December 1


Super Stories Book Club
For Young Fives and Kindergartners
Thursday, January 6
4:30 – 5:00 pm

Theme:  Winter

Registration begins Thursday, December 2

This is a story and craft program held in person at the library for kids transitioning out of story time and into book club. Adults may attend this program with their children. Each month Ms. Krista will read books related to a theme and then the kids will make a theme related craft. Registration is required.


Preschool Music & Movement Program
Ages 3 and up
Friday, January 7
10:00 am – 10:30am

Registration begins Wednesday December 1

Join Miss Jenn from Dancer’s Edge as we dance through a book in our music and movement class! This program will be held in person. Space is limited. Registration is required on the Dexter District Library’s website.


Winter Virtual Story Times *LIVE ONLY
Wednesdays at 10:30 am on Facebook Live
January 12 – March 2
Toddlers and Preschoolers

Visit the library from your living room! Ms. Krista will be singing familiar songs, telling stories, and demonstrating fun action rhymes every week on Wednesday at 10:30 am.

*In order to meet current read-aloud permission requirements from book publishers, virtual story time will be held live, but videos will no longer be posted for later viewing on our Facebook page.


Club Create Book Club
Grades 1 – 2
Thursday, January 13
4:30 – 5:15 pm

Theme:  Winter

Registration begins Thursday, December 9

This is an independent book club for first and second graders held in person at the library. Miss Krista will read longer picture books centered on a theme and the group will participate in activities and crafts related to the theme. Registration is required.


The A2 Magic Workshop
Monday, January 17
11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Grades 1 – 4

Registration begins Monday, December 20

Your friends won’t believe their eyes when you show them the simply amazing, yet amazing simple, magic tricks that you’ll learn from Jeff Wawrzaszek ( in his A2 Magic Workshop event. Learn some “slight-of-hand” tricks with common items like ropes, rubber bands, crayons and money.  Registration is required. Space is limited. Face covering are required.


Winter Craft Bags
Take & Make Crafts
Monday, January 17 – Sunday, January 23
For kids of all ages

Kids of all ages are invited to stop by the library and pick up a bag with a variety of seasonal or themed crafts to make at home.
No registration required. While supplies last. Limit 5 per family.


All Star Readers Book Club
Grades 3 – 4
Thursday, January 20
4:30 – 5:30 pm

Book:  Mr. Popper’s Penguins by Richard Atwater

Registration begins Thursday, December 16

All Star Readers Book Club will meet in person this winter. We’ll play an icebreaker game, have a book discussion, and do an activity related to the book we discuss. Books will be available to pick up at the library after you register. Registration is required.


Maker Challenge Program:  Building Challenges
For grades K – 4
Monday, January 24
4:30 – 5:15 pm

Registration begins Monday, January 3

Get Creative at the library! Participate in a variety of building challenges. Registration is required.


Super Stories Book Club
For Young Fives and Kindergartners
Thursday, February 3
4:30 – 5:00 pm

Theme:  Friendship

Registration begins Thursday, January 6

This is a story and craft program held in person at the library for kids transitioning out of story time and into book club. Adults may attend this program with their children. Each month Ms. Krista will read books related to a theme and then the kids will make a theme related craft. Registration is required.


Club Create Book Club
Grades 1 – 2
Thursday, February 10
4:30 – 5:15 pm

Theme:  Friendship

Registration begins Thursday, January 13

This is an independent book club for first and second graders held in person at the library. Miss Krista will read longer picture books centered on a theme and the group will participate in activities and crafts related to the theme. Registration is required.


Virtual Cooking Program with A Curious Kitchen
Young Fives – Grade 4
Friday, February 11

Registration begins Friday, January 7

Join us for a 1-hour virtual cooking class from the comfort of your own home! During this hour-long class, students from Young Fives – 4th grade will learn how to create a delicious cozy dessert.  Chef Jyl Nolan from A Curious Kitchen ( will help you as we prepare, mix, measure and create and beautiful dish together!  Parents will be needed to assist with some tasks in the kitchen.  Families will receive the recipe and list of ingredients one week prior to the class.  Registration is required on the Dexter District Library’s website. Registration deadline is Friday, February 4. A Zoom link will be sent to registered participants before February 11.


All Star Readers Book Club
Grades 3 – 4
Thursday, February 17
4:30 – 5:30 pm

Book:  Measuring Up by Lily Lamotte

Registration begins Thursday, January 20

All Star Readers Book Club will meet in person this winter. We’ll play an icebreaker game, have a book discussion, and do an activity related to the book we discuss. Books will be available to pick up at the library after you register. Registration is required.


Space Craft Bags
Take & Make Crafts
Monday, February 21 – Sunday, February 27
For kids of all ages

Kids of all ages are invited to stop by the library and pick up a bag with a variety of seasonal or themed crafts to make at home.
No registration required. While supplies last. Limit 5 per family.

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