Dexter District Library: 6-Word Memoir Contest

Teens and Tweens

Grades 5 through 12

Entries accepted January 1-31. Send to Teen/Tween Librarian Mollie.

Teens and tweens are invited to write a short memoir on the theme “2021 in 6 Words.” It’s a great chance to reflect on the year that was and what your life looked like in that period of time, with the added challenge of keeping it brief! Whether 2021 was a great year or not so good, whether it was happy or heartbreaking, share how your year went. Get creative to fit an entire year into exactly 6 words!

Once you’ve written your 6-word memoir, email it to Teen/Tween Librarian Mollie at Please include your name and grade. Submissions will be accepted from January 1 through January 31.

Submitted memoirs will be displayed in the Teen Zone throughout the month of January, so be sure to stop by and check out the entries! All teens and tweens who submit an entry will be entered for a chance to win a prize.

contact Mollie Hall

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