WCC Women’s Council Jan. 27 event lifts up college students

ANN ARBOR – The community is invited to attend a virtual event focused on supporting Washtenaw Community College (WCC) students through their educational and career journeys.

The WCC Foundation Women’s Council “Lift H.E.R. Up (Higher Education Resources), A Virtual Conversation” will be from 5-6 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 27.

Representatives from businesses, education, not-for-profit organizations, and other interested individuals, will learn how WCC is helping students, especially women, to be successful. Register for free.

Dr. Kimberly Hurns, WCC Executive Vice President of Instruction and Academic Affairs, will deliver the keynote address. Hurns is immediate-past state chair of the Michigan American Council on Education Women’s Network and is currently a fellow with the Aspen Institute’s Rising Presidents program.

The event will also feature remarks from

  • WCC Women’s Council Chair Meredith Miller, who will provide an overview of how the Women’s Council supports WCC students
  • Past Chair Eileen Thacker, who will discuss how the Student Emergency Fund helps students overcome barriers so they can stay in school
  • Council member Kia Sweeney, who will address how the Women’s Council is building community connections to benefit WCC students
  • WCC faculty member Amy Ramirez-Gay, who will provide insight into the Council’s mission, including their educational, partnership and fundraising goals.

Learn more about the WCC Foundation Women’s Council virtual conversation and other events.

The Women’s Council is comprised of WCC community members dedicated to supporting students in their educational and career journeys. The Council seeks to endow scholarships based on leadership and academic excellence, build a mentoring program, and provide services and resources that support Washtenaw Community College.

About Washtenaw Community College Foundation

Since its founding in 1983, the Washtenaw Community College Foundation has provided critical support to tens of thousands of students through tuition and book scholarships as well as assistance in overcoming barriers related to food shortages, housing, utilities, and childcare. The Foundation awarded nearly 1,700 scholarships during the 2020-21 school year and helped over 100 students through direct assistance from the Student Emergency Fund. The WCC Foundation is supported through generous donations and grants from people, businesses and foundations who share in the mission of helping students to stay in school and get across the finish line.

About Washtenaw Community College

Washtenaw Community College (WCC), Ann Arbor, Mich., educates students through a wide range of associate and certificate programs in areas such as health care, business, STEM and advanced transportation and mobility. WCC offers accelerated and online programs and is ranked the number one community college in Michigan, according to schools.com. WCC is committed to student success, with nearly 70% of students intending to transfer to complete a bachelor degree. The college also works through community, business and union partnerships to develop highly specialized training programs to meet the region’s workforce talent needs.

For more information about Washtenaw Community College, visit www.wccnet.edu.

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