Around Town: Community Survey, Community Garden, Parks & Rec Commission Opening, more

Happy (almost) Spring everyone! The first day will officially be this Sunday, March 20, and it seems that warmer weather is coming with it.

Upcoming Community Survey

Over the next couple weeks, residents will be receiving an invitation to participate in a community survey. The survey will be hosted online via SurveyMonkey. The link will be distributed via this e-mail update service, the City’s Facebook page, the City’s physical newsletter, and a postcard. Once received, we request recipients take a few minutes to answer questions to help the City better understand the priorities of the residents as well as find areas where we can make improvements. If you do not receive a postcard or the online link over the next few weeks, you can reach out to City Offices at (734) 426-8303 or to request a link to be sent to your email or a hard copy to be picked up.

Community Garden

Applications for the 2022 Community Garden are now available online at:

Parks and Recreation Commission Openings

The City’s Parks and Recreation Commission is looking for two new members. If interested, you can fill out a Committee Application Form and send it to Justin Breyer via email at or by dropping it off at the City Offices at 8123 Main St., 2nd Floor.

The Committee meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm and is an 9-member group that advises City Council on the development of our various parks; promotes and publicizes projects that support parks and recreation; makes recommendations on the City’s street tree program; and serves as advocates for parks and recreation for the City of Dexter.

Art Selection Committee

The City’s Art Selection Committee is looking for one new member. If interested, you can fill out a Committee Application Form and send it to Justin Breyer via email at or by dropping it off at the City Offices at 8123 Main St., 2nd Floor.

The Committee typically meets in the evening once each year during March, and is an 9-member group that advises the City Council on the City’s permanent and temporary sculpture displays. This year’s meeting will be held on March 29th.

Washtenaw County April Clean-Up Day (4/23/22)

The Washtenaw County Water Resources Office will be sponsoring a clean-up day on Saturday, April 23, at Chelsea High School (740 N. Freer Road, Chelsea, MI 48118). They will be accepting materials such as:

  • Appliances (refrigerator, dryer, a/c unit, dehumidifier, etc.)
  • Electronics (TVs, computers, communication devices, etc.)
  • Household Hazardous Waste (paint, pesticides, cleaning supplies, oil, etc.)
  • Scrap Metal
  • Tires
If you cannot make the April date, other clean-up days will be in June, July and August. You can find more information regarding the clean-up dates at

2012 Tornado 10-Year Anniversary

This last Tuesday, March 15, 2022 marked the 10-year anniversary of the 2012 tornado that struck the Village of Dexter. While this was a harrowing experience for those living and working in the Village at the time, there are inspiring stories to be found in the sense of community that followed – people going door-to-door to check on neighbors; neighbors helping each other split felled trees; and the assistance that was provided by our neighboring communities.

As we take a moment to reflect on the event, please consider taking some time to review tornado warning signs and prepare an emergency plan for yourself, your family and/or your business. For additional tornado resources, please visit:
– Washtenaw County Emergency Services
– Michigan State Police

The following information can be found on page 18 of the City of Dexter’s Resident Handbook.

Warning signs – what to watch for
– Dark, often greenish skies;
– Wall cloud;
– Large hail;
– Loud roar – similar to a freight train.

Where to take shelter:
– In a home: The basement offers the greatest safety. In homes without basements, take cover in the center part of the house, on the lowest floor, in a small room such as a closet or bathroom. Keep away from the windows.
– Driving a vehicle: Get out of the vehicle and take shelter in a nearby ditch or ravine; do not get under your vehicle. Lie flat and put your arms over your head.
– At work or school: Follow advanced plans to move to interior hallways or small rooms on the lowest floor. Avoid areas with glass.
– In open country: Lie in a gully, ditch or low spot in the ground and hold onto something on the ground if possible. Do not seek shelter in damaged buildings; they may collapse completely.

Each tornado season, review with your family the area in the home that is designated as the shelter and practice having everyone in the family go there in response to a tornado threat. Develop an emergency communication plan in case family members are separated from one another.

Have disaster supplies on hand including:
– Flashlights
– Extra batteries
– Battery operated radio
– First aid kit
– Bottled water
– Canned food
– Can opener
– Extra clothing

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