Dexter District Library: KinderConcert! Saturday, June 18


Date: Saturday, 06/18/2022
Time: 12:00 pm – 12:45 pm


Music comes alive at KinderConcert, a 30 minute concert designed especially for children ages five and under. No worries about wiggly tots sitting still for a concert – they’ll dance and move while listening to the music.  Then they’ll be mesmerized by hearing a story being told with musical accompaniment.  Members of the A2SO join movement specialist Gari Stein and pianist Kathryn Goodson for a guided introduction to the instruments of the orchestra. The June program will feature Ann Arbor Symphony Orchestra trumpeter Becky Bloomer.  The Library continues to experiment with traditional programming as the pandemic wanes.  Face coverings are not required for this event, but use is highly recommended and appreciated.

Registration is not required.

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