Around Town: S’mores & More; Taxes due; Board/Committee Openings

S’mores & More – October 1st
The Dexter Arts, Culture, and Heritage Committee is hosting a S’mores & More event in Monument Park on Saturday, October 1, 2022 starting at 5:30pm following Apple Daze. As part of the event, the Arts, Culture, and Heritage Committee would like to invite anyone interested to perform for the audience from the “open stage” gazebo in Monument Park. Performances could include (but is not limited to): singing a song, leading a sing-along, reading a poem or short story, performing a monologue/dialogue from a play, or playing an instrument. The event is open to the public and free to attend and/or participate. Please come and enjoy a s’more while watching and listening to the event’s performers.

Performers of all ages are welcome to participate. Performances should not be more than 5-minutes and be appropriate for all age groups. To perform, pre-registration is encouraged, but not required. To sign-up to perform, please visit:

Taxes Due

Property taxes are due on September 15, 2022. Payments must be received at the City Office by 5 pm, postmarks are not accepted.

To ensure receipt by September 15, 2022 at 5 pm payments can be dropped off to the City Office (8123 Main) on weekdays between 9 am and 5 pm, or placed into the City’s drop box in front of the PNC Bank. If you have not mailed your payment yet, we strongly suggest dropping it off due to the time it can take for the mail to be processed and delivered by the post office. After the deadline, a 1% per month penalty is applied. Tax information can be found at –

Board/Committee Openings

The Parks & Recreation Commission is seeking two new members. The Parks & Recreation Commission meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm and is a 9 member commission that is responsible for making recommendations to City Council on the planning and development of City parks.

The Arts, Culture and Heritage Committee is looking for one new member to join the committee. The Committee meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm and is an 11-member group that advises City Council on the development of arts, culture and heritage; hosts and promotes projects that support arts, culture and heritage; serves as advocates; and encourages networking and collaborations of the arts, culture, and heritage of the City of Dexter.

To apply for a board or committee, please complete submit an application which can be found on the City’s website at: The application form may be returned via e-mail to or in-person to 8123 Main St., 2nd Floor, Dexter, MI 48130. For more information on the position, please reply to this email or contact the City Offices at 734-426-8303.

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