Wine, Women & Shopping A Chelsea Tradition is Nov. 11 & 12

CHELSEA – We are only a few weeks away from the 17th Annual Wine, Women & Shopping. It will kick off November 11 at 10 am through late in the day on November 12.

This year’s WWS will offer fine gifts and a festive environment that will warm your heart and inspire your holiday shopping. The following is a sampling of participating Merchants. Chelsea Depot Artisans Market, Chelsea Area Chamber Vendor Market, Cleary’s Pub, The Cottage Rabbit, FarmSudz, The Find, The Garden Mill, La Maison, Violet and Moss, Whitetail, Withington’s, LaJolla Fine Jewelry, True North Jerky, Serendipity Books, Chelsea Consignment, Chelsea Family Acupuncture, Merkel Furniture and Carpet One, and Zou Zou’s. For details about what each of them are featuring, visit the website at

#shopchelseamich’s featured 501(c)(3) partner, Ballet Chelsea will be performing Nutcracker Vignettes sharing magical moments at Agricole November 11 from 6-7 pm and at Merkel Furniture and Carpet One November 12 from 10:30-11:30 am. This is the 25th Anniversary for Nutcracker choreographed by Artistic Director Wendi DuBois.

While you are out and about, stop by the Chelsea District Library and enjoy their display of cookbooks, and books on wine, in the library lobby on November 11th and 12th.

Enter to win dawings for several prizes – starting with A Grand Prize that includes a $50 gift card to a participating #shopchesleamich restaurant, One Night Stay at the Chelsea Comfort Inn, and two tickets to the Purple Rose Theatre; one of three $50 gift cards to participating #shopchelseamich merchants; a Gift Basket filled with local Chelsea Goodness; a $250 Gift Card to participating merchants complements of Mykala Mortgage Planning; and Tickets to Ballet Chelsea’s 25th Anniversary Nutcracker Performance. Several participating merchants will also be featuring in-store drawings.

Chelsea restaurants will embrace you with a warm welcome while you are out and about. They will be serving up seasonal beverages, wine, beer, and specialty cocktails. You will find tasty menu options for a quick bite, lunch or dinner, and of course, dessert! Participating restaurants  can be found at

During this holiday season support your local business and community and treat yourself to the Chelsea experience. Check in frequently to the  #shopchelseamich’s website for updates.

A special Thank You to Mykala Mortgage Planning for being a Local Lender who supports Local Businesses!! 

#shopchelseamich is a group of independent business owners with entrepreneurial flavor and spirit. Their focus is on keeping the community healthy by providing reasons for people to shop in Chelsea with unique products and services.


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