Around Town: City Hall on the move, ice rink, more

City Hall is Moving to Its New Home at 3515 Broad St!

The Dexter City Offices will be closed to walk-in traffic at their current location (8123 Main St., 2nd Floor of PNC Bank) from Monday, February 27, 2023 through Friday, March 3, 2023 to allow for the relocation of City administrative services from 8123 Main St. to 3515 Broad St. City Hall will open on Monday, March 6, 2023 at 9:00am in the new location on Broad St. During this transition, residents may continue to contact City staff via phone and e-mail, and make appointments for in-person meetings or deliveries.

City Hall Public Open House (3515 Broad St.)

The City plans to hold an Open House for residents to tour the new City Hall at 3515 Broad St. The open house will be Wednesday, February 22nd, from 4:00pm to 7:00pm. The first 20 visitors will receive a copy of Visions of the Eagle by Dale Fisher (aerial picture guide coffee table book of Washtenaw County).

Ice Rink

With the help of last week’s frigid temperatures, the ice rink in Monument Park is open. However, the upcoming week’s predicted rise in temperatures is likely to cause another closure. The thickness of the ice rink is heavily dependent on consistently freezing temperatures over multiple days, and only a few days of greater than freezing temperatures can force a closure. Please see below regarding rules and regulations while the ice rink is open:

Days and Hours:
Open daily from 8 am – 9 pm.
Rules & Regulations:
– Skate at your own risk; safety gear recommended; no skate attendant on duty; no hockey, sticks or pucks.
– Do not walk on gazebo with skates.
– For emergencies call 911.
– No trespassing when rink is closed.
– If you shovel snow off of the rink, please shovel it completely off to protect the ice surface.

Property Tax Due Date Reminder

Winter property taxes are due on Wednesday, February 15, 2023. Payments must be received at the City Office by 5 pm, postmarks are not accepted.

To ensure receipt by Wednesday the 15th at 5 pm, payments can be dropped off to the City Office (8123 Main, 2nd floor) between 9 am and 5 pm, placed into the drop box near the front door of 8123 Main St. A 3% penalty will be applied to payments received from February 16th to February 28th. After March 1, 2023 all real property tax payments must be made directly to Washtenaw County. Tax information can be found online at –

We Love Dexter

We Love Dexter highlights submissions of photographs, drawings, paintings, songs, poems, and short stories that represent what the Dexter community loves about Dexter. All February long, residents can visit the displays in storefronts downtown to see the art that has been created by residents of all ages.

Community Garden

The application for plots at the Community Garden is now available on the City’s website at Please contact the Garden Coordinator (and Farmers Market Manager), Marianne Wendt, with questions regarding the program at

Dexter Art Gardens Temporary Sculpture Display

The “Dexter Art Gardens” is an annual outdoor artwork exhibition sponsored by the Dexter Arts, Culture & Heritage Committee and the City of Dexter. Up to five (5) temporary outdoor artworks will be juried and placed on temporary display along with the City’s permanent collection for one (1) year: June 2023 – May 2024. The selected pieces will be installed on concrete pads in prominent locations throughout Dexter. Applications may be submitted via the online Call for Entries platform, CaFE at:
. Submitting an application via the CaFE site is free. The deadline for submissions is Thursday, February 23, 2023. Artists will be notified in March regarding selections.

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