United Way Of Washtenaw County’s Women United Awards $50,000 in Grants to Local Organizations

ANN ARBOR – United Way of Washtenaw County’s Women United (WU) announced awards to five local organizations who are helping women and families maintain their financial stability and strengthen their communities.

Grant recipients for this round of funding are:  Community Action Network, Foundations Preschool, Peace Neighborhood Center, SOS Community Services, and the Washtenaw Intermediate School District’s Trusted Parent Advisors.

“The specific focus of the grants shift annually based on emerging community conditions” notes Pam Smith, President and CEO of UWWC.  “This year, grant investments are focused on supporting parents with low incomes by providing for the basic needs of babies and young children (e.g. diapers, wipes, formula) and subsidizing the costs of child care.”

Funding for these grants is made possible through proceeds from UWWC’s annual Power of the Purse event, hosted by WU, to raise money for women-led and women-serving agencies in our community.

The annual Power of the Purse event was held on March 8th, 2023. The event includes a silent purse auction, individual and corporate donations, and honors a Woman of the Year. Kathy Sample, co-owner of Argus Farm Stop, was honored as the 2023 Woman of the Year.

Click here to access a detailed overview of this year’s grantees.

About Women United 

Women United is a United Way national network of some 70,000 members in 165 U.S. communities, and the most successful women-oriented philanthropic effort of its kind. Locally, since its inception the UWWC Women United has granted over $362,000 through the Power of the Purse event to Washtenaw County human service organizations.

About United Way of Washtenaw County

As part of our 100-year history, the United Way of Washtenaw County brings people, agencies and resources together to create a thriving community for everyone. Our focus areas of Health, Education and Financial Stability provide the building blocks to strengthen the community and create opportunities for individuals and families. Our virtual Volunteer Center is an easy, online way for people to connect with nonprofits in the community and our 2-1-1 helpline connects more than 8,000 people annually to critically needed services. To learn more, donate, or volunteer, visit uwgive.org.

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