Plenty do this holiday weekend in and around Ann Arbor

Plan a safe celebration this weekend
If you’re planning to celebrate Independence Day with fireworks, please remember to do so safely and responsibly. For starters, per Michigan Fireworks Safety Act 256 of 2011 (PDF), fireworks usage is permitted only during certain timeframes and only around national holidays. For the Independence Day holiday this year, fireworks may ONLY be discharged in the city: Thursday, June 29–Tuesday, July 4, until 11:45 p.m. on each of those days.

Also note, fireworks use without permission is ALWAYS PROHIBITED at:

  • City parks.
  • Schools.
  • All public and private property that isn’t your own.

Fireworks also pose a risk to pets. Visit the American Veterinary Medical Association website for tips on how to keep pets safe for the holiday and all summer long.

If you plan to use fireworks, please follow the laws, do so safely and be courteous by letting neighbors know in advance. This includes being mindful of any military veterans or others who may be sensitive to the noise associated with fireworks.​

Parking is limited at Argo Canoe Livery and Cascades
Be sure you visit before you visit the canoe liveries in Ann Arbor. You’ll find the map above online to download and print in advance of your visit. The liveries are very popular during the summer months and we want to be sure you have the best experience possible.

Summer gardening workdays at the Gallup Park butterfly garden
Join GIVE 365’s resident gardener for a series of stewardship workdays at the beautiful Gallup Park Butterfly Garden this summer! All experience levels are welcome! All tools and supplies will be provided. View event details and sign up below.

GIVE 365 volunteer events in the parks
Join GIVE 365 for a stewardship event in Ann Arbor’s parks! Projects may include garden bed maintenance, playground weeding and surfacing, litter pickups, and more. All experience levels are welcome! All tools and supplies will be provided. View event details and sign up below.

Love the River Day at Gallup Park
Looking to spend a beautiful day on the water this summer while also helping clean the Huron River? Join GIVE 365 at the Gallup Park Livery for a Love the River Day event! Volunteers will be paired in canoes with trash-grabbing supplies. This event is for individuals and smaller groups (four people or less) and perfect for beginner paddlers. View event details and sign up below.


a private swim lesson at Fuller Park Pool
Private lessons are $18 resident/$22 nonresident for 30 minutes of swim instruction. Lessons are offered Monday-Thursday, 11 a.m.-7 p.m. and Saturdays and Sundays, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Many of the instructors have five or more years of experience and are excited to help your swimmer get better at this life saving skill. We offer lessons for young swimmers and adults.

Ann Arbor Parks and Recreation facilities will be busy this weekend!
Before you visit the three outdoor pools in the City of Ann Arbor this holiday weekend we recommend going online for location, fee and hours of operation information. We look forward to seeing you and your family poolside.

If you’re planning a trip to Argo or Gallup canoe liveries you’ll find valuable details on the website to help you decide if you’re going down the Cascades on a tube or renting a kayak at Gallup! Additionally, Huron Hills and Leslie Park golf courses are open if you’re wanting to play 9 or 18 holes. Visit each locations websites to book a tee time.

July brings an abundance of summer fruit to Ann Arbor Farmers Market
You’ll find sweet cherries, tart cherries, blueberries, peaches, raspberries, strawberries and more! We are open Saturdays and Wednesdays 7 a.m.-3 p.m. at 315 Detroit Street. You’ll also find peas, rhubarb, garlic scapes, greenhouse tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, lettuce, salad mix, radishes, mushrooms, microgreens, herbs, cut flowers, house plants, hanging baskets, perennials, honey, maple syrup, eggs, pastured meat and poultry, lake superior fish, cheese, bread, pastries, gluten free and allergen free baked goods, jam, pickles, spices, olive oil, prepared food, juice, chocolate, coffee, tea, mead, cards, jewelry, candles, body care products, clothing and so much more! We accept cash, and tokens for credit cards, mobile payment, and SNAP/EBT are available at our market office window. Service animals are welcome. Accessible restrooms are available. More information at our website

Saturday July 1
Pilar’s Tamales will be with us 11 a.m.-sold out

Wednesday July 5
Free Rapid COVID testing provided by MDHHS and VisitHealth on Wednesdays 8 a.m.-2 p.m.

Natural Area Preservation stewardship workday
Dolph Nature Area is packed with diverse habitats that are essential to the health of myriad native plant and animal species. Especially popular for birds (and bird watchers) Dolph is a great place to explore Ann Arbor’s local ecosystem. Join us, Monday, July 3, 10 a.m.-noon, to improve the trails in this varied habitat by trimming back overgrowth with tools we’ll provide. Meet at the parking lot off Wagner Road (map: Workday sites have unpaved trails and require going off-trail. Preregister at so NAP can plan on enough staff and supplies for a safe and successful event. For your safety, wear long pants, tall socks, and closed-toe shoes. All minors should be accompanied by a guardian. More information: (PDF).

Goats are back in town and back to work
Our four-legged goat employees are back this summer! You’ll see them at Gallup Park working on the islands (they’re often visible from the water) across from the canoe livery now through early July. Access to these islands will be blocked during this time. For questions or further details about where they are going next, check out or contact

If you’re a huge fan of the goat program, don’t forget we have cool “Goats at Work” t-shirts available in our e-commerce shop. Go online to purchase.

Ann Arbor Civic Band concerts
Every Wednesday, now through July 19, 7:30-8:30 p.m. in Burns Park, 1300 Baldwin Ave. in Burns Park. The summer’s concert schedule is: June 28 | For the Kids!; July 5 | Fourth on the Fifth; July 12 | On Broadway!; July 19 | Michigan Through and Through.

2023 Project Grow garden tour
June through August, Project Grow invites you to tour and learn about all of the sites in the 2023 Project Grow Garden Tour. Tours are scheduled on every other Saturday morning, 9-11 a.m. Participants will drive to each site in the day’s tour to learn about the history of the organization, key facts about that specific site’s gardens and gardeners, and get a chance to meet site coordinators and gardeners. Addresses and approximate engagement times for each site and other detailed information will be sent by email the week of the selected tour. Sign up here. Questions? Contact Free of charge.

Ann Arbor Senior Center programming
Please note the center will be closed Monday, July 3 and Tuesday, July 4 in observance of the holiday.

NEW! Travels with George: America’s national parks and monuments
Thursday, July 6, 1:30-4 p.m. Join the Ann Arbor Senior Center and world traveler George Jabol once a month as he takes us on a grand tour of his many breathtaking and fascinating world travels. A new country and adventure will be featured each month. In July, explore America’s famous and beautiful National Parks and Monuments. Presentation will be held at the Ann Arbor Senior Center. Please call 734.794.6250 or email to register. Free of charge.

Life writing class
Wednesdays, July 12-Aug. 2, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Offered in partnership with Washtenaw Community College. Everyone’s got a story to tell. The events of our own lives can be funny, poignant, inspirational, interesting, important pieces of history, and all the above. This class will help you take the most important moments of your life and turn them into powerful pieces of writing. Teacher is writing expert Simon Mermelstein.

Foot care workshop
Wednesday, July 12, 9:30-10:30 a.m. Heather Schanz, BSN, RN, CDP, FCN, from Ascendant Foot Care will offer this foot care workshop, including measuring feet for shoe sizing. She will bring tools to demonstrate what is used during a typical service and provide educational handouts for different foot ailments. Ann Arbor Senior Center, 1320 Baldwin Ave. Call 734.794.6250 or emai to register. Free of charge.

NEW! Out & About A2!
Thursday, July 20, 10:30 a.m. Matthaei Botanical Gardens. Join the Ann Arbor Senior Center for a once-a-month excursion in Ann Arbor! Whether you are new in town or an A2 Townie, there’s always something to explore! Meetups will include visits to museums, historical sites, area parks and more! Stay tuned to each newsletter to see what outing will be announced next. Email or call 734.794.6250 to register. Upon registration, participants will receive an email with meeting time and location details one day before the outing. Free for members; nonmembers, $2.

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