Dexter Around Town: Back to School, Farmers Market, Summer Taxes

Back to School

The first day of school will be Tuesday, September 5, 2023 (half day). Drivers should allow for extra travel time due to increased vehicle, bus and pedestrian traffic in and around the City. Please be courteous by stopping to allow pedestrians to cross the street and by not blocking intersections while stopped in traffic.

School hours are as follows:
– Creekside/High School – 8:00 a.m. to 2:53 p.m. (11:25 a.m. on half days)
– All other schools – 8:14 a.m. to 3:07 p.m. (11:40 a.m. on half days)

Back-Up Crossing Guard Positions

The City of Dexter is recruiting area residents to serve as back-up crossing guards for the pedestrian island crossing location on Baker Rd. from approximately 7:30 am to 8:10 am and 2:50 pm to 3:20 pm (hours differ for half-days). We are looking for area residents interested in serving in this capacity to support the primary crossing guard by filling occasional shifts. Crossing guards will earn $14.50 per 40 minute shift (morning and afternoon are separate shifts). Days of work and shift assignments are flexible based on your schedule. Multiple positions are available, and training will be provided. For more information or to apply for the position please contact the City Office at 734-426-8303 or e-mail

Farmers Market

The last Tuesday Market of the 2023 Dexter Farmers Market season will be taking place on September 26th. The Saturday Market will continue to operate until the end of October.

Summer Taxes Due

Property taxes are due on September 15, 2023. Payments must be received at the City Office by 5 pm.
To ensure receipt by September 15, 2023 at 5 pm payments can be dropped off to City Hall, 3515 Broad St. on weekdays between 9 am and 5 pm, or placed into the drop box located in front of City Hall. If you have not mailed your payment yet, we strongly suggest dropping it off due to the time it can take for the mail to be processed and delivered by the post office. After the deadline, a 1% per month penalty is applied. Tax information can be found at –
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