Spotlight: Dexter sisters enjoy special season as volleyball teammates

Sisterhood took on a whole new meaning this past season for the Dexter varsity volleyball team. Sophomore Chloe Burns joined sisters Lana and Lily for their senior year as Dreadnaughts and created a family affair on and off the court.

Chloe said she was proud to follow in her sister’s footsteps.

“My family was the reason that I got so into volleyball,” said Chloe. “My mom played volleyball and I have always looked up to my sisters. Volleyball is so different from other sports because of the team family aspect. Since volleyball is a game of momentum and energy, everybody has to be up together to truly control and win a volleyball game.”

And while the Dreadnaughts didn’t win a league title or make a long run in the playoffs, they did have some strong performances, win some big games and create a court full of lasting memories.

“I loved playing with my sisters because I always looked up to them and now I got to experience their senior season with them, which was such a blessing,” Chloe said. “Sometimes it gets competitive between me and Lana because we are fighting for the same starting spot, but it is always a good time.”

“Good time” is the perfect description. And while they are competitive and things can get a little heated in the arena, they always have one another’s respect and backs.

“I will say that it is one of the best experiences of my life,” Lana said of playing with her sisters on the Dexter team. “But it is not the first time we’ve played together. 11U Top Gun volleyball club was when we first played together – and it was not pretty (haha). There may have been a bit of arguing and yelling at each other but we have definitely come a long way. We all have that great connection and support each other to the fullest. It does get a tad competitive but it all helps make us better, not only as athletes but also as people.”

Lily agreed.

“I love it,” she said. “It gives flashbacks to our 11U volleyball year when we all played on the same team together. Obviously, then, we didn’t mind if we screamed at each other, but now we don’t scream.”

At the head of the table is the girls’ mother, Paula Palmer Burns, who has coached volleyball, including Dexter’s very first freshman team under varsity coach Bill Eisenbeiser and at the National level from age groups 13U to 18U, currently with 15 National Michigan Elite Volleyball Academy.

At the head of the table is the girls’ mother, Paula Palmer Burns, who has coached volleyball at several levels including as National Coach and U17NSW Michigan Elite Volleyball Academy.

So, what was it like coming home after a game?

“One thing I will say about my mother is that I have never had to sit in a car ride and listen to all the things I did wrong in a game,” said Lily. “Instead, I have felt the utmost support from her every step of the way. She is always in my corner and I never doubted what she told me.

“Sometimes, the support was extremely blunt, but still supportive. Talking about the film aspect, if I ask her to sit down with me and watch a game, she will. If I ask her to tell me what her opinion is on my play, she will. She will always hold a special place in my heart as my number one coach.”

Lana said coming home after a game wasn’t an extension of the court or locker room but a place of comfort, support and love.

“Honestly, it’s super relaxing,” she said. “If I feel like I had a bad game or a bad practice, she knows how to balance mom-ing and coaching. When I hear from my friends about how sometimes their parents give them corrections after a game or tournament, I feel grateful for the fact that my mom only gives feedback if I ask. I will say sometimes when we watch film if she sees something out of place or something only a coach’s eye would see she will give us a tip to help us improve in the future.”  

Lily, 17, has a 3.86 GPA, is a Student Section Leader, and was a Regional qualifier last year in the shot put for the track team with her sights set on state qualifying distances this year. She also has power lifted for Iron Dread and placed top five in the state in her weight class. Lily was named to the All-Tournament Team at the Hartland Invitational this season and finished her high school career with 600 kills as an outside hitter. She will be playing on MI Elite’s 18National team this season.

Lily and her sisters were introduced to volleyball by her mom.

“She put me in almost every other sport, and none of them clicked like volleyball did for me,” Lily says. “I also was never much on the long-distance running stuff, so soccer and field hockey were never in my wheelhouse.”

Lana, 17, has a 3.51 GPA and is involved in powerlifting and is a Student Section Leader. She has been named to MI Elite’s 18National team this season. She credits (and thanks) her mom for getting her involved in volleyball.

“What I most loved was the team aspect of volleyball,” she says. “Yes, other team sports exist but the feeling of being in a 30-foot space with five other girls is something special.”  

Chloe, 15, has a 3.86 GPA and also is involved in power lifting, track, Key Club and plays club volleyball for MiElite’s 16Elite team. She finished her first varsity season with over 500 assists.  “My long-term goal for volleyball is to go to a college, preferably Ohio State, and complete four years there on a scholarship,” she says.

They each wrapped up this season with the perfect set, volley and spike.

Lily said: “Having fun in this program after many challenges has been a true blessing. I can’t imagine my senior season without playing with my sisters.”

Lana said: “This sport has taught me so much as not only an athlete but also as a person and I can’t believe how lucky I am to have earned an opportunity to play with my sisters this year. I couldn’t be more proud of us and how much we have accomplished together as a family. I am excited to see what the future holds.”

Chloe said: “It’s sad to say goodbye to my sisters but I’m looking forward to two more years learning and growing under coach Penn. Onto the next!”

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