Ann Arbor Recognized as Climate Action Leader on CDP 2023 A List

Ann Arbor has been recognized by CDP as one of 119 cities across the globe that is taking bold leadership on environmental action and transparency, despite the pressures of a challenging global economic situation.

Designed to encourage and support cities to ramp up their climate action and ambition, CDP’s Cities A List is based on environmental data disclosed by cities to CDP-ICLEI Track. A clear momentum in city climate disclosure and action is building — over 900 cities (939 in total) received a rating for their climate action from CDP in 2023. In 2023, just over one in 10 cities scored by CDP (13% of such cities) received an A. CDP-ICLEI are organizations working together to promote sustainability in local government.

To score an A, among other actions, a city must disclose publicly through CDP-ICLEI Track, have a city-wide emissions inventory and have published a climate action plan. It must also complete a climate risk and vulnerability assessment and have a climate adaptation goal to demonstrate how it will tackle climate hazards. Many A-List cities are also taking a variety of other leadership actions, including political commitment from a city’s mayor to tackle climate change.

A-List cities are demonstrating their climate leadership through concerted and effective action, just as national governments will be asked to do at COP28. They are taking four times as many mitigation and adaptation measures as non-A List cities.

Ann Arbor, and the other 118 cities on this year’s A List, are also celebrated for showing that urgent and impactful climate action — from ambitious emissions reduction targets to building resilience against climate change — is achievable at a global level, and in cities with different climate realities and priorities.

“Ann Arbor’s residents, our staff, and this Council, we are excited and committed to accomplish transformative climate action,” said Ann Arbor Mayor Christopher Taylor. “Our efforts are built on the principles of equity, transformation, and sustainability, to ensure Ann Arbor is livable not only today, but for future generations as well.”

A2ZERO is Ann Arbor’s plan to achieve a just transition to community-wide carbon neutrality by the year 2030. Recently, successes in ensuring an equitable and sustainable future include work toward creating the nation’s first fully carbon neutral existing neighborhood; the installation of Michigan’s first utility-pole EV chargers; significant recent investments in resilience hubs and resilience infrastructure; the deployment of nearly 8MW of rooftop solar throughout the city; and the launch of Michigan’s first commercial, multifamily, and single-family energy disclosure ordinances. To learn more about A2ZERO and get involved, visit  ​

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