Food Insecurity in Washtenaw County Topic of United Way Townhall


Discover ways to build a more resilient and equitable food system for families in our region

WHAT: United Way for Southeastern Michigan continues to connect families in our region to reliable information and helpful resources. These “What’s the Word Wednesday” town halls are part of a series addressing vital topics. Partnering with experts from government, education and nonprofits, these 30-minute interactive conversations address timely issues for everyone.


  • Markell Lewis Miller, Director of Community Food Programs, Food Gatherers

WHY: The winter season can be tough on many families, especially when it comes to providing enough food to make it through the colder months. Food Gatherers joins us to share insights on how to build a network of partners to provide hunger relief throughout Washtenaw County, with a special focus on the importance of food rescue during the winter months.

WHEN: Wednesday, January 24, 2023, at 10:00 a.m.

WHERE: Join us via Facebook or Zoom for this 30-minute informative session. Download the Zoom app to access the event on mobile or use your computer to participate through your browser.

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For updates on the United Way for Southeastern Michigan Virtual Town Halls, visit the website at:

About United Way for Southeastern Michigan

United Way for Southeastern Michigan, a member of the United Way Worldwide network and an independently governed 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, works to help households become stable and ensure children have the support they need to thrive. For more than one hundred years, United Way has been a leader in creating positive, measurable, and sustainable change in communities throughout southeast Michigan. United Way works in partnership with donors, agencies, corporate and municipal partners to help families meet their basic needs of housing, food, health care and family finances, and ensure children start school ready to learn and graduate ready for life. To give, advocate, volunteer or learn more, visit  



United Way’s 2-1-1 helpline is a free, confidential service connecting people in crisis with the help they need — 24/7/365. Learn more at

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