Poseidon Ponds & Landscaping: Water Feature Cleanings – Are They Required?

At Poseidon Ponds & Landscaping, located in Dexter, we are often asked by our clients, “Do I need to clean my water feature this year?” Water Feature can mean a pond, waterfall or fountain. There are certainly many factors that could bring about a yes or no answer to this question.

Many of the concerns people have before purchasing and having a pond installed revolve around the topic of how much maintenance will be involved. The good news is they are less maintenance than the lawn or garden they replaced. The top reason our clients request their pond, waterfall or fountain be cleaned in the spring is simply to look brand new again.

Here are some other reasons that you would want to clean your water feature:

The water color is brown from the breakdown of leaves or other organic debris

The water color is green throughout from excess nutrients causing an algae bloom

The water color is almost black with very little visibility, possibly from the death of wildlife

When standing by the pond you smell a noxious odor similar to ammonia

It was a very harsh winter and your fish have perished

There is too much debris build-up on the bottom of the pond

You are constantly having to remove debris from your pump or filter media

The flow of water in your fountain, waterfall or stream seems weak

You want the maintenance of the feature during the season as low as possible

It makes you feel more comfortable to have a professional clean the pond, waterfall or fountain each year to make sure the equipment is functioning properly, the feature is in good condition and to fix any issues

You would like a new look, maybe redoing a waterfall or changing out some rocks

Can I Have A Conversation About My Pond, Waterfall or Fountain With A Professional?

Each and every year we are contacted by homeowners that have owned a home or just purchased a home with a pond, waterfall or fountain and seek us out for guidance. The typical inquiry that we get is, “Help! We have this water feature and have no idea what to do.” Below are some steps to get you started with our consultation services.

1. Call our office at 734-726-5061 to schedule a phone consultation

2. Take recent pictures of the pond, waterfall or fountain and send to poseidonpondsinfo@gmail.com.

3. Take measurements of your water feature

Owning a pond, waterfall or fountain certainly doesn’t need to be difficult, so be sure to contact us to see what we can do to educate you and set your mind at ease. For more educational information be sure to visit www.poseidonponds.com or for more inspiration.

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