Dexter Around Town: Bicentennial Parade, Student reps, summer help, more

Bicentennial Parade Participation

The Dexter Bicentennial Parade will be held on Saturday, June 22, 2024 during the Bicentennial Celebration at 10:00am. If you are interesting in participating, you can find the Bicentennial Parade Participant Application Form on the Dexter Bicentennial website link below.

A PDF version of the application can be found at the link above and can be dropped off/mailed to City Hall at 3515 Broad Street, Dexter, MI 48130.

The Bicentennial Parade is also looking for individuals who are interested in lending a truck or/and trailer for a marching group to use during the Bicentennial Parade. Those who may be interested or have questions can contact Josh Tanghe, Assistant to the City Manager, at or 734-580-2229.

Spring Clean-up

The City’s annual Spring Clean-Up will take place on Monday, May 20th (third Monday in May) to allow for expanded collection of bulk items at the curb.

Student Representatives

The City of Dexter is recruiting Student Representatives to: the Dexter City Council; Planning Commission; Parks and Recreation Commission; and Arts, Culture, and Heritage Committee. Two (2) Student Representatives will be appointed to each Board. The term of appointment is June 2024 – June 2025. These positions are designed to be mutually beneficial to both the students and the Committees or Commissions on which they serve. The students shall gain a tremendous learning experience about the workings of local government and the policy making process, while the Committees and Commissions benefit by having the perspectives of younger members of the community. Student representatives shall not have voting privileges, but may participate in all discussions.

Eligible applicants must live in the Dexter Community School District (preference will be given to City residents), and be in grades 9 – 12 (preference will be given to students entering grades 11 – 12). Students who attend private school, public school, or home school are welcome to apply. To access the application form, please visit: Applications can be e-mailed to or mailed/delivered to 3515 Broad St., Dexter, MI 48130.

DPW Summer Help

The City of Dexter is seeking candidates to fill multiple part-time, temporary summer positions with the Department of Public Works. Primary tasks include mowing the City’s beautiful parks and general maintenance activities. Work hours for this position are 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. These positions are expected to last through September (depending on availability). Starting pay is $15 per hour. Applicants must be 18 or older. A link to the application can be found at and should be returned to the City Hall at 3515 Broad Street. Applications may also be e-mailed to The positions will be open until filled.

Washtenaw County Clean-up Days

Washtenaw County Water Resources Materials Management Division is excited to announce the 2024 County Clean-up Day schedule:

· June 15 – Augusta Township            Registration opens May 6

· June 29 – Northfield Township          Registration opens May 20

· July 27 – Pittsfield Township             Registration opens June 17

· August 24 – City of Ypsilanti             Registration opens July 15

Precise event location will be provided to residents after registration. Registration will open 6 weeks before the event and close 1 week before the event, or when all slots are filled. Residents can register at or by phone at 734-222-3950.

Materials will only be accepted from Washtenaw County residents. Only residential material is allowed. Materials from local businesses, government agencies, non-profits, or other organizations is not accepted.

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