Dexter Around Town: Sheriff, fire services move to city hall; Deputies investigating larcenies from automobiles

Sheriff and Fire Services Move to City Hall

The Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office and Dexter Area Fire Department services formerly located at 8140 Main St. (Main Street station) have officially relocated to City Hall, 3515 Broad St. Sheriff’s Office personnel will be co-located with City staff in the section of City Hall closest to Broad St (entrance to the parking lot). The Dexter Area Fire Department will occupy the section of City Hall closest to the parking lot’s exit on Huron St. (near the new temporary apparatus structure and Alpha Metal Finishing).

Message from the Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office – Larcenies from Unlocked Vehicles

Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office deputies are investigating larcenies from automobile incidents that occurred in the Dexter Crossing, Huron Farms, and Westridge Subdivision. Unknown suspects entered unlocked vehicles and removed valuables. No arrests have been made at this time. The incident remains under investigation by area deputies. If you see anyone in the above area acting suspicious please call 911.

If you have any information regarding this incident please contact the Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office at 911, through our confidential tip line (734) 973-7711 or anonymously through Crime Stoppers at 1-800-Speak-UP.

Burglars are opportunistic and look for the easiest way in and out. The more you can secure your property the less likely you are to have your home broken into.

– Lock all doors and windows
– Do not leave your keys in the car
– Park your vehicle in your locked garage if you have one
– Don’t leave valuables in your vehicle
– Get motion sensors for lights around your residence
– Install and always set a home/car alarm
– Know your neighbors
– Join a neighborhood watch

Community Park Swings Maintenance

The swing area at Community Park (Ryan Dr.) will be closed on Monday, September 16th and Tuesday, September 17th for routine maintenance.

Waste Management Refuse Collection Updates

The City of Dexter recently agreed to a contract extension with Waste Management (WM) to continue providing refuse collection services in the City of Dexter until 2029. Weekly trash, recycling, and yard waste collection will remain mostly the same (normal weekly collection on Monday), but please review the following for service updates/changes.

Bulk Item Collection

Monthly bulk item collection will remain on the first Monday of each month. The Spring and Fall Clean-Up Days (expanded bulk item collection) are moving to the first Monday of May and October, respectively. The next expanded bulk item collection day (Fall Clean-Up Day) is Monday, October 7, 2024.

Items accepted and not accepted through bulk item collection can be found at the following link:

WM Bagster Service

As a part of the new contract extension, the City has been added to the Bagster service area. Bagster is a supplemental debris and waste removal option that can be coordinated directly with Waste Management. More information can be found at the following link:

Residential Single-Stream Recycling

In an effort to improve the single stream recycling process, WM has made updates to what can be placed in recycling curb carts. More information can be found at the following link:

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