Political journalist Tim Skubick to discuss election impacts at Nov. 7 Washtenaw Economic Club

ANN ARBOR – Tim Skubick, longtime journalist covering state news at the capitol in Lansing, will highlight impacts of the Fall election results at next week’s Washtenaw Economic Club meeting.

The luncheon, “Insider’s Look at the Election Results and Their Impact on You!,” will be 11:30 a.m-1:30 p.m. Thursday, November 7, in Washtenaw Community College’s (WCC) Morris Lawrence Building, 4800 E. Huron River Drive, Ann Arbor.

The Washtenaw Economic Club is sponsored by WCC and member industry partners. Tickets are available for purchase by non-members. Skubick will join the meeting virtually to present his analysis of election results and their impacts on individuals and businesses. He will also address questions from the live audience.

Skubick has 53 years of experience on the state government and campaign trail, making him the longest serving member of the Michigan capitol press corps in state history. He anchors the weekly public TV series, “Off the Record,” and covers Michigan politics for WJBK-TV and WLNS-TV-6 news in Lansing. He has authored two books on state politics and has received five Emmys.

He earned Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts degrees from Michigan State University.

If You Go

WHAT: Washtenaw Economic Club Speaker Series

DATES: Thursday, November 7

TIME: 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.

WHERE: Washtenaw Community College, Morris Lawrence Building, 4800 E. Huron River Drive, Ann Arbor

HOST: Washtenaw Economic Club


About Washtenaw Community College

Washtenaw Community College (WCC), Ann Arbor, Michigan, educates students through a wide range of associate and certificate programs in areas such as health care, business, STEM and advanced transportation and mobility. The college also works through community, business and union partnerships to develop highly specialized training programs to meet the region’s workforce talent needs.

For more information about Washtenaw Community College, visit www.wccnet.edu.

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