Dexter Around Town: Job openings, meeting updates

Job Opening – Full-Time DPW Worker

The City of Dexter is seeking a full-time Department of Public Works (DPW) Worker, to be a part of the City’s Public Services Team. Specific responsibilities include snow plowing, park and playground maintenance, brush removal, street and sidewalk repair, and operating a variety of vehicles and equipment in support of these activities. A Commercial Driver’s License, or the ability to obtain one within six months, is required. Must have a high school diploma or GED.

Starting wage is $20.86 – 22.80/hour DOQ plus a comprehensive benefit package plus access to additional license pay. This position is covered by agreement with the Teamsters State, County and Municipal Workers Local 214. The City is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Employees working for the City of Dexter may be eligible to participate in the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program.

Questions and applications may be submitted by e-mail to or by phone to 734-426-8303. To apply, please submit a cover letter and a City Job Application Form to the City of Dexter at the e-mail listed above or by mail to 3515 Broad St., Dexter, MI 48130. The position is open until filled with a review of applications occurring on Friday, January 17, 2025. More information can be accessed at –

The City’s Job Application Form may be found on the City’s website at:

Job Opening – Back-Up Crossing Guard

The City of Dexter is recruiting area residents to serve as back-up crossing guards for the pedestrian island crossing locations on Baker Rd. and Ann Arbor St. from approximately 7:30 am to 8:10 am and 2:50 pm to 3:20 pm (hours differ for half-days). We are looking for area residents interested in serving in this capacity to support the primary crossing guard by filling occasional shifts. Crossing guards will earn $15.00 per 40 minute shift (morning and afternoon are separate shifts). Days of work and shift assignments are flexible based on your schedule. Training will be provided. For more information or to apply for the position please contact the City Office at 734-426-8303 or e-mail

The City’s Job Application Form may be found on the City’s website at:

Committee Opening – Arts, Culture & Heritage Committee

The Arts, Culture and Heritage Committee is looking for one new member to join the committee. The Committee meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm and is an 11-member group that advises City Council on the development of arts, culture and heritage; hosts and promotes projects that support arts, culture and heritage; serves as advocates; and encourages networking and collaborations of the arts, culture, and heritage of the City of Dexter.

To apply for a board or committee, please complete submit an application which can be found on the City’s website at: The application form may be returned via e-mail to or in-person to 3515 Broad Street, Dexter, MI 48130. For more information on the position, please reply to this email or contact the City Offices at 734-426-8303.

Committee Opening – Board of Review

The City of Dexter is seeking one (1) City resident to serve as a member of the City’s Board of Review. The Board of Review hears and determines appeals along with certain other matters concerning real and personal property assessments and/or classifications. The Board of Review is one of the only opportunities in which a taxpayer may appeal before taxation on their real and/or personal property. The Board of Review has three (3) periods during the year in which its work must be complete based upon statutory mandates; they are the March Board of Review, July Board of Review, and December Board of Review. To apply, please submit an application form via e-mail to or in-person to City Hall, 3515 Broad St., Dexter, MI 48130.

Interested in what’s coming up in Dexter? Check out the following links for upcoming meetings for our boards and commissions. Meeting dates may be impacted by holidays:

City Calendar
City Council Agendas, Packets & Minutes  – typically the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month
Arts, Culture & Heritage Committee Agendas, Packets & Minutes – typically the 1st Wednesday of each month
Downtown Development Authority Agendas, Packets & Minutes  – typically the 3rd Thursday of each month
Parks & Recreation  Commission Agendas, Packets & Minutes – typically the 3rd Tuesday of each month
Planning Commission Agendas, Packets & Minutes – typically the 1st Monday of each month

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