Faith In Action Grateful for Supporters in a Groundbreaking Year

Faith in Action is the largest emergency service provider in Western Washtenaw County and they couldn’t do their work if it wasn’t for the support of many individuals, businesses, community groups, and congregations.

“We are blessed, grateful and humbled to have such generous partners who have joined us in providing essential goods and services to that alleviate the effects of hunger and poverty for those in need,” says Nancy Paul, Director for Faith In Action.

FIA offers an emergency food pantry, free clothing, financial help with utilities and lodging, counseling, help with health insurance and benefits applications and help in nearly any crisis.

A Community Effort

All these things take work and money, and Faith in Action is blessed with partners who have the vision and heart to help. A few examples of the hard work and goodwill that it takes to support an emergency service provider are:

Scouting For Food and Stuff the Bus—Youth Learning to Give!

“It’s a tribute to our youth and the parents that raise them that we have such involvement from our young people in the work of Faith in Action,” says Nancy.

Here are two inspiring examples:

A stuffed bus

The Chelsea Cub, Boy and Girl Scouts orchestrate “Scouting for Food”, which takes place at Polly’s Country Market. They give shoppers a list of needed items and deliver purchased food to FIA. The Dexter Leos, a youth club affiliated with the Dexter Lions, conducts a “Stuff the Bus” annually that provides much of the food needed for the holidays and into the winter.

Dexter Rotary and St. Joseph Giving Garden—Huge Supporters!

Fresh vegetables and fruits are key to a healthy diet, and Dexter Rotary and St. Joseph Parish in Dexter are partners in making sure we have enough. The Rotary Club brings produce from their plot at the Community Garden in the summer and from local grocers in the off season. St. Joseph Parish has a large congregational garden that produces hundreds of pounds of veggies annually. Both groups generously support FIA financially and through Christmas, Backpack and other programs.

The Chelsea Knights of Columbus have donated hundreds of new winter coats for kids to keep warm and dry in Michigan’s cold winters. They also provide a generous amount toward gift certificates for food.

The Material Girls gather monthly to create unique items by reusing and repurposing materials. Their finished products are then sold at very low cost at a bazaar where children can purchase the items as Christmas gifts.

“Along with a scholarship program for low-income children and special shopping for special-needs kids, they aim to generate funds that are turned over to FIA in service to local families,” Nancy explains. “Last year, the Material Girls donated $10,000, all the while creating community and having fun!”

The support of these groups is significant, but only the tip of the iceberg of the scores of groups, businesses, congregations, and individuals that selflessly embrace their neighbors during a difficult time. And of course none of this generosity would be effective if it weren’t for the volunteers who tirelessly show up daily to Faith In Action pantries in Dexter and Chelsea to assist in a myriad of ways.

Humanitarian of the Year

L to R: Bob, Nadine, and son Mike

Faith in Action presented the 2018 Howard S. Homes Humanitarian of the year Award to Bob Pierce, owner of Pierce’s Pastries in Chelsea. He and his wife, Nadine, provided accommodation and opportunities for differently-abled individuals, both customers and employees. His dedication as a member of the Chelsea Chamber of Commerce has been transformative for the Chelsea Community.

Affordable Housing

June 14, 2018 began a new era in Faith in Action history when, in partnership with Avalon Housing, a new apartment with 17 units of affordable housing was opened on Main Street in Chelsea. Avalon is the premier development group for this kind of housing, which seeks to house a population ranging from middle income to the chronically homeless.

“Partnering with Avalon Housing to create 17 new units of affordable housing has been the highlight of our year,” says Board President Lori Minnick. “This achievement is a shining example of what I have learned in my years of service on the board: Faith In Action is a tremendous force for good in the Chelsea and Dexter communities.”

FIA provides critical support that enables tenants to pay the required 30% of income for rent. All this is accomplished with the support of St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea, Chelsea First United Methodist Church, St. Mary Catholic Church, St. Paul United Church of Christ, City of Chelsea leaders and Chelsea Milling.

The lack of affordable housing in Chelsea and Dexter is a prominent problem for those of low and middle income. With the Main St. project up and running in Chelsea, Faith in Action is now actively seeking opportunities in Dexter to develop and support affordable housing. There is strong support from both the City of Dexter and the local faith community to help make this a reality.

Faith In Action wishes the happiest of holidays for all of their supporters and may their own celebrations be as blessed as they have made them for others.

If you would like to make a donation to Faith In Action, you can do so online at

Do you need help? A friend? Or maybe a family member?

To qualify for services at Faith In Action, income must fall below the thresholds listed below. These are the same qualification for free or reduced lunches at all area schools.

Persons in Household

Max. Monthly Income


















If you would like to talk to someone in person, or learn more about Faith In Action, you can call at 734 475 3305 or visit their website at

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