Regional: Dawn Farm offers free educational series on fighting drugs

Dawn Farm, with offices in Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti, has offered a continuum of services to help addicts and alcoholics achieve long term recovery. With residential services, supportive transitional housing, outpatient treatment, sub-acute detoxification and a range of active outreach programs, Dawn Farm has always been there to help.

Since 1973, Dawn Farm has met community needs with compassion, creativity and hope. From our humble roots in 1973 to the current array of community programs, Dawn Farm’s plainspoken ideal has always been the same—to be the place where addicts and alcoholics could go for help, regardless of their ability to pay.

When young people experience problems at home, in school or in the community, alcohol/other drugs are often factors – and are often the last factors to be seen. Young people don’t often tell the caring adults in their life that the real reason they were truant from school was to smoke marijuana with friends, or they quit extracurricular activities to have more time to get high, or the money from their new job was consumed by an escalating need for opioids. Substance-involved young people need help, and helpers need the right knowledge and tools to prevent serious, potentially irreversible consequences.
Dawn Farm is offering a program called “Teens Using Drugs: What To Know and What To Do,” a free, ongoing, two-part education series that provides helpful, hopeful, practical information for parents, teens, families and people who work with teens/families.

Part One provides information on understanding teen substance abuse and recognizing signs that may indicate a young person is involved with alcohol/other drugs. Part Two includes separate sessions for adults to learn “what to do” when an adolescent substance use problem is suspected or identified, and for teens to explore their beliefs about and use of substances; adults and teens also hear a talk by a young person in recovery from a substance disorder.
The “Teens Using Drugs: What To Know and What To Do,” series is sponsored by Dawn Farm and co-sponsored by the Ann Arbor Public Schools, St. Joseph Mercy Greenbrook Recovery Center, and the WISD/LESA Health Educators’ Learning Network (supporting and advocating for Whole School, Whole Community, and the Whole Child Approach-WSCC.) The programs are presented by Dawn Farm Youth and Family Services therapists.

The March 2018 series will be presented from 7:30 to 9:00 PM on Tuesday March 6, 2018 (part one, What To Know) and Tuesday March 13, 2018 (part two, What To Do.) The “Teens” programs are held at the St. Joseph Mercy Hospital Education Center, 5305 Elliott Drive, Ypsilanti; in the Exhibition Room on the first floor.

The series is free and open to the public. Parents, other family members, teens, students and people who work with teens are all welcome, and families are encouraged to attend together if they would like to. Free literature about alcohol/other drugs and teens is also provided.
For further information please phone (734) 485-8725, e-mail or see

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