Excellence 4 Dexter Students (E4DS) Launches Spring Fundraising Drive to Support 2019-2020 School Year

Dexter, MI (April 7, 2019) – E4DS (Excellence 4 Dexter Students), a community-led, non-profit group founded to provide meaningful financial support to Dexter Community Schools, is seeking community and business donations by the end of April to support mental wellness programs for all students during the 2019-2020 school year.

E4DS provides valuable learning opportunities in Dexter Community Schools (DCS) that require financial support beyond that provided by the Michigan Legislature. E4DS developed in response to a community desire to reverse unreliable and inadequate funding levels, currently matching those from 1995. E4DS has provided the platform for local businesses, residents, and all those who value public education to come together and pledge support towards Dexter’s continued innovation.

E4DS believes that strong schools are the hallmark of a strong community.

Over the past three years, E4DS has provided $127,000 to DCS. The most recent donation of $40,000 was made in October, 2018. This year marks a shift in the giving schedule for E4DS. “It has always been our goal to make a spring donation to DCS, in order for the Board of Education to be able to consider our donation as part of the annual budgeting process,” says E4DS Board President, Elise Bruderly, “we are now an established part of the community, and as such, we are asking donors who are able, to help us meet a spring fundraising goal and donate by the end of April 2019.”

As a thank you to donors for an early 2019 gift, those who give at the “Member” level of $100+ by April 30th will receive an exclusive E4DS car decal to show off their support and help spread the message of community giving.

Previous donations to E4DS have funded part-time teaching positions to provide small-group math and science enrichment in grades 3-6 at Wylie and Creekside schools. Donations have also funded a 4-Day EMU (Eastern Michigan University) Explorer’s Experience for all district 6th graders over the last three years. This experience has allowed for unique STEAM learning activities as well as a chance for students to envision themselves in a place of higher education.

Each and every donation to E4DS will strengthen Dexter’s DreadStrong community – preserving, supporting, and expanding critical programs for Dexter’s kids. Gifts of all levels are greatly appreciated.

More information about E4DS and school funding, including how to donate to our April 2019 fundraising campaign, can be found at www.E4DS.org. Questions ca

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