Around Town: Hydrant flushing, Consumer Confidence Report, more

Hydrant Flushing

Starting Wednesday, May 20, 2020 City Utility Department staff will be flushing hydrants throughout the City. The schedule for week one of the flushing is as follows:

Industrial Park, Walkabout Creek, and Dexter Crossing

As crews flush hydrants there may be some discoloration of the water. Residents who experience “rust colored” water should simply run the cold water tap for a few minutes to clear the household pipes.  The rust coloring is caused by a natural buildup of minerals in the water system, which are stirred up in the water pipes when fire hydrants are first turned on.  If possible, try to avoid washing white clothes during this time. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Utility Department at 734-426-4572 during the hours of 7:00 am and 3:30 pm. Thank you for your cooperation during this effort to maintain the quality of your water system.

Consumer Confidence Report

The City’s annual Water Quality Report describing the source and quality of your drinking water is available at:

To receive a paper copy in the mail, please reply to this e-mail or contact the Utility Department at 734-426-4572.

Michigan Secretary of State to Mail Absentee Ballot Application Forms

The Michigan Secretary of State’s Office has announced that in the next few weeks all registered voters in the State of Michigan will be receiving absentee ballot application forms by mail. For City of Dexter residents on the City’s Permanent Absentee Voter List, the City will be mailing application forms the week of May 25th. For all other registered voters, the Michigan Secretary of State will be mailing application forms in the next few weeks.

Absentee ballot application forms will contain an option to receive absentee ballots for both the August 4th Primary and the November 3rd General Elections. Application forms will also contain a checkbox to be added to the permanent absentee voter list for voters not already on the permanent list. Any voter registered in the City of Dexter that is interested in receiving an absentee ballot should return a completed application to the City Offices by mail at 8123 Main St., 2nd Floor, Dexter, MI 48130 or by photographing/scanning a picture of their completed application and e-mailing it to the City Clerk at the contact information below.

Voters who already submitted an application for the cancelled May Election will not need to submit a new application for August as the May application will “roll-over” and will be valid for the August Election.

Voters may also register for the permanent absentee voter list by contacting the City Clerk or by visiting the Washtenaw County Clerk’s website at –

Questions about voting or absentee ballots should be submitted to the City Clerk by phone at 734-580-2234 or e-mail at

Trash Collection Delay

Trash/compost/recycle collection the week of May 25, 2020 will be delayed until Tuesday, May 26, 2020.

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