Around Town: Yard cleanup, office closures, tax bill due

Winter Leaf, Yard Waste, and Brush Collection

The City’s Department of Public Works has been working hard to complete loose leaf collection before snow and ice make a more permanent appearance this winter. It is anticipated that, weather permitting, the DPW will finish collection on the remaining streets and in the remaining neighborhoods by the end of the day on Friday, December 17th.

The remaining timeline for winter leaf, yard waste, and brush collection are as follows:
– Monday, November 29th was the last day for bagged compost collection by Waste Management.
– If you have bagged your leaves, please keep the leaves bagged. Please bag all remaining leaves. Bagged leaves will be picked-up by the DPW on December 22nd, January 5th, and January 19th. Please place bags at the curb the night before.
– Brush/Limb collection by the DPW will take place on December 22nd, January 5th, and January 19th.
– No compost bag or leaf pick-up by the City or Waste Management will occur in February or March.
– Monday, April 4, 2022 – Bagged compost collection resumes.

Office Closures

The City Offices will be closed for the holidays on:
– Friday, December 24th
– Monday, December 27th
– Friday, December 31st
– Monday, January 3rd

Trash/Recycle Collection

Trash/recycle collection will not be impacted by either holiday and will occur on Monday, December 27th and Monday, January 3rd. As a reminder, all cardboard boxes must be broken down and placed inside the recycle toter.

Tax Bill Due Date Reminder

For City of Dexter residents, winter tax bills have been mailed. Tax payments are due on Tuesday, February 15, 2022 by 5:00pm. Taxes paid after the due are subject to a 1% per month penalty. Delinquent parcels paid between February 16th and February 28th will be assessed an additional 3% penalty. After February 28th, unpaid real property taxes are turned over to the Washtenaw County Treasurer for collection.
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