Arbor Day Tree Giveaway
An Arbor Day Celebration will be held on April 30, 2022 to celebrate the benefits of trees, including how trees can reduce erosion of topsoil by wind and water, moderate the temperature, clean the air, produce life-giving oxygen, provide habitat for wildlife, and cut heating and cooling costs. Trees are also beneficial because they are a renewable resource giving us paper, wood for our homes, fuel for our fires, and help beautify and give our community character.
Volunteers will be distributing free seedlings at the following times and locations:
10:00 am – noon – Dexter District Library (3255 Alpine Street)
1:00 – 3:00 pm – Dexter Mill (3515 Central St)
11:00 am – noon – Clock Plaza (corner of Broad & Main Streets; weather permitting)
The City of Dexter is one of 111 Michigan communities recognized by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and the Arbor Day Foundation for its community forestry efforts. The City of Dexter has been a proud Tree City USA member since 2008. Tree City USA is a nationwide Arbor Day Foundation program that promotes proper tree care and management in urban areas and calls attention to the economic, health and aesthetic benefits that trees offer.
Community Survey Closing Date
The City of Dexter Community Survey will be closing on Friday, April 29th at 5:00pm. If you haven’t had a chance to fill out a survey, you can access it at the following link ( or by picking up a hard copy at City Hall at 8123 Main Street. We appreciate everyone who has participated so far and are eager to analyze the feedback.
Trash Collection Near 2nd Street Construction
As residents may have noticed, construction on the storm sewer, water main, and sidewalk has begun along 2nd Street between Central St. and Inverness St. During this time, Waste Management has requested that residents in the neighborhood of the 2nd St. construction place their trash, recycling, and yard waste at the street on Sunday night until construction is completed. Construction is anticipated to last through June 2022. Waste Management crews are working to avoid conflicts with utility construction crews.
Farmers Market Opening Day
Opening Day for the Dexter Farmers Market is Saturday, May 7, 2022. Market hours will be Saturday from 8 am to 1 pm. Visit the Market and enjoy seasonal produce and homemade baked goods. Full Circle will be providing musical entertainment between 10 am and 12 pm.
Tuesday, May 10th from 2 pm to 6 pm will be the first day for the Tuesday Farmers Market.
Paint Dexter Property Painting Registration and Volunteers
Do you have an interesting house, field, stream, or barn on your property? Are you interested in having a painting of your property created by an amazing artist? We are creating a list of properties within the Dexter School District where our participating artists can go to paint *with the permission of the property owner*. The addition of your house to the list does not guarantee that your property will be selected by an artist.
The Dexter Arts, Culture, and Heritage Committee is also looking for volunteers to 1) host an artist in their home during the weeklong Festival; and 2) assist with Paint Dexter Plein Air Festival operations. We welcome any interested individuals, groups, and artists to sign-up for one of the volunteer opportunities that the Festival has to offer.
For more information, please visit:
Around Town: Arbor Day Tree Giveaway, Paint Dexter Plein Air Festival, more