WCC’s additional Fall semester start dates accommodate flexible student schedules

ANN ARBOR – Session II of Washtenaw Community College’s (WCC) Fall semester begins September 20, with registration ongoing until the start of classes.

WCC offers four start dates each semester to accommodate the flexible schedules of students. More than 40% of students are adults, many with family and job responsibilities. Courses with later start dates cover the same material at an accelerated pace.

Additional start dates are October 4 for Session III and October 20 for Session IV. The Fall semester began August 28.

Visit WCC to apply for admission and register for classes. Staff members are available to assist and answer questions through every step.

The college offers flexible scheduling options and more than 135 programs to prepare students for rewarding careers or transfer to a university to earn a bachelor’s degree. Nearly 50 programs are fully online.

At $99 per credit, WCC’s in-district tuition is among the lowest in Michigan.

WCC is hosting two Michigan Reconnect Scholarship information sessions Monday, September 11, and Tuesday, September 12, for adult students to learn about upcoming program changes designed to help even more people achieve a college education by lowering the eligibility age to 21.

The information sessions will be held on campus, 4800 E. Huron River Drive, in Room 246 of the Technical and Industrial Building (TI). Click here for a map to the WCC campus.

The Michigan Reconnect Scholarship is a state program covering in-tuition to help eligible adults who do not already have a degree. It is one of many available resources for students, including the new Michigan Achievement Scholarship for 2023 high school graduates.


  • Monday, September 11, 3-5 p.m.
  • Tuesday, September 12, 6-8 p.m.


  • Session II, September 20
  • Session III, October 4
  • Session IV, October 20


Learn more about how to register for WCC’s additional 2023 Fall Semester start dates! For additional information call (734) 973-3543 or email go2wcc@wccnet.edu.

About Washtenaw Community College

Washtenaw Community College (WCC), Ann Arbor, Michigan, educates students through a wide range of associate and certificate programs in areas such as health care, business, STEM and advanced transportation and mobility. WCC offers accelerated and online programs and is ranked the number one community college in Michigan by Intelligent.com and Schools.com. The college also works through community, business and union partnerships to develop highly specialized training programs to meet the region’s workforce talent needs.

For more information about Washtenaw Community College, visit www.wccnet.edu.

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